Smile From Jesus

Since moving here to Charlotte 5 years ago, I have started keeping random pieces of paper with my thoughts on them, thoughts from my heart and mind, my meditations and interpretations of scripture, things God has spoken to me, prayers, devotional things, sermon notes, questions...etc. I keep all this packed in a file folder and a few notebooks. Earlier this week, cleaning my room, I came across this file folder stuffed full of these things. I think it's just a little smile from God saying He is thinking of us when He gives us these little reminders. We need them often don't we?
It's always cool to see how you've grown spiritually, or not, and all the thoughts, and meditations of the day. They do truly speak to me. I use to print off My Utmost For His Highest devotionals, so I had those all marked up and written on. It's about as sweet as reading other peoples things like that, I love to read other people's Bibles. It's just sweet to see our relationship to God on paper. You know? I was thankful to uncover that. I have always had the thought that I want to leave things like that behind for people to find. No doubt when the chaos of people just vanishing occurs at the rapture houses will be broken into, it's all going to fall apart. But how cool if someone were to find all my notes and thoughts, and my relationship with Jesus like that.
Keeping a folder, and notebooks are a good resource and reference to lean on when you are in a season of doubt or of hopelessness. It will refocus you back on God's promises, and where He is leading you in life. Learn to let Him take you up in His lap and talk to you. He will. Let His words always been a steady ground for you to run too, and lean on. You can trust in what He has to tell you, it is always truth.


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