The Good Samaritan

“Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked. The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.” -Luke 10:36-37

The wonderful thing about Jesus' parables is that they nearly always have an element of surprise, of counter-culture, which he uses to force the listener to make a decision about accepting or rejecting the kingdom of God in their heart. The most important thing about parables is that Jesus communicates to us, through them, a divine meaning in human affairs. In them he gives the events of life a new meaning. He gives us a new vision of everyday life. Through the parables, Jesus is trying to illustrate for the people the meaning of his own presence among them, the meaning of his mission and his person and the meaning of the kingdom of God. In other words, what is important about the parables is the religious message they convey about human life, about our life with God.

Parables result in:
A Change of heart. The message is radical! We are not left in a place after reading it in a neutral position. A choice must be made, are we for or against the message Jesus is trying to get across.
Response in Action. Jesus gives us an invitation to act, just like he told the lawyer in the story to go and do the same as the samaritan had done.
Novelty and Surprise. There is surprise because the message is radical, it is a culture shock in many cases.
The Kingdom of God. The frequent theme is the Kingdom of God. For example, perfect fulfilment of the Jewish law, liberation from the Romans and social injustices or a sudden intervention of God that would bring about a kingdom which would be a new heaven and new earth. For Jesus human beings were not able to bring about this kingdom by themselves. It is a work of God, and human beings cooperate in bringing about this kingdom. It is to be understood in terms of love. It is the coming to power in and through human' beings of the self-communicating love of God. This sovereignty of God's love also requires our activity.

This post goes hand in hand with my last post about Jesus versus Religion. We are like the religion leader in the video above. He said, "If I didn't have church business to attend to I would stop and help." Then he prayed as he passed by the dying man, when all along it was you who Jesus sent along the way to help. I'm guilty of it myself.

I think the moral of the story in how it relates to the Kingdom of God is having mercy on each other, just as God has mercy on us through His son. How dare we not show mercy, or kindness?

Father, help us to stop and show love, compassion, and mercy to those who surround us.


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