Just a Closer Walk with Thee

Since it was so cool this morning, I took a walk with my dog, Millie.
The Lord spoke to me on my walk this morning, and gave me the perfect example of how He is to me.
You see, we adopted Millie in 2001 from the pound. She was really sick when we got her, she was just a puppy, and was so scrawny. We are assuming she was hit by a car or something because she has a bad back leg, it doesn't bend well. When we brought Millie home I took care of her and nursed her back to health. I carried her everywhere I went. It wasn't long till she was fat and happy.
As I was walking her today I was watching her and kinda relating it to scripture, and what Jesus says of me as His little sheep and He my shepherd and keeper. Millie has beagle in her, and lab so her sniffer makes her ADD. She goes off and sniffs things and I'm like Millie just walk on the straight and narrow here. Ah! Lightbulb! How many times do we do that in life? Walk on the straight and narrow and get distracted of on some other path? But I lovingly nudge her back to where we are walking. Like our shepherd does us, even to the extent that he will go after us on that little detour we take.
Millie can't walk far or for long amounts of time because of her bad leg. It has gotten worse over the years. We were almost home and it started giving out on her, when it does she looks at me because she knows I will pick her up and carry her the rest of the way home. I told her she did good, and carry her into the house.
All the while God is yelling, that's me to you Allison!
My Father God adopted me, healed me, and stays right with me every single day. He lovingly nudges me back on the right path that leads me to Him. When I am weary and not able to make it much further, His picks me up and carries me. There is coming a day when at last He will pick me up and take me home to be with Him, and He will say, "You did good!"
Thankful to learn from my dog this morning.
Now lots of cute Millie pictures for you.....


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