What if.....

“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” -Revelation 4:11

What if we allowed the Holy Spirit to lead to lead in our lives? What if we allowed Him to lead in our Worship at church? I believe our services would change drastically. We would experience God on a whole new level. There are times our services and lives are so planned out to the second that The Holy Spirit couldn't move in you if He wanted to. We desire for perfection, but forget the Holy Spirit makes it all. If our services are not for the Lord then why do we even bother? We long to create an environment that will attract people, and feel something, when all the while we should be concerned about the environment of our hearts. What is the Holy Spirit up to in your life? As I discussed with my spiritual mentor friend this week, not only is it important to have worship at church corporately as the body of Christ, but at home individually. While we come to church to Worship Jesus if this has not been done at home in the past week, you are crippling the body because you are not allowing the Holy Spirit to function within you at the highest level He wants too. As a result we come to church and are unhappy because we haven't spent the week with Jesus, and we don't feel anything, or sense His presence because we don't know Him or His voice. He is like a foreign concept.
As I am preparing to do the special music in church soon I find myself in these thoughts:
Will I cry? Will I be able to carry out what has been planned and practiced over and over? Will I allow the Holy Spirit to lead me? When The Holy Spirit speaks will I listen? We are taught to have order in the church, but it does not mean man controls the order. God is a God of order, He shows us that in creation. He took chaos and put it in order. In the same way, we must allow Him to create within we as the Christian the environment for Worship, and how the service will transpire.
I shared with my spiritual mentor friend that there have been many times during church services that the Holy Spirit would fall so fresh and heavy in my heart and speak to me and lead me to the alter. However, I would not go to the alter because it wasn't the correct time in the service to do so. How man made. If God calls you, GO! So much we miss in life because we hold back, and don't listen, and follow. The alter is like being at the throne of God, some of the sweetest worship times happen. I have said many times, sometimes all we need in life is a tear stained alter. We come forth to sacrifice that which needs sacrificing, our pride for one! Sacrifice is worship, but it is also obedience, and obedience is better than sacrifice.
Worshiping God is a restoration, which leads to righteousness, which leads to reformation, which results in response to God from our hearts.
God alone is the real director and mover. What if we allowed this to happen? We wouldn't exhaust ourselves waiting for something to happen, or creating something that we have no business creating. He is the Creator of all things. He is in control.
Why don't you allow Him to move in radical ways in your heart? You will experience Him intimately that it will overwhelm you! Praise the Lord!


  1. Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church. How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?
    -Martin Luther
    (1 Corinthians 14:24-26)


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