The Great Warning: The Way of the Disciple

"For indeed when we were with you, we kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction; and so it came to pass, as you know." -1 Thessalonians 3:4

The true mark of a disciple of Christ is suffering, it's apart of our job description given to us in scripture. It's really not preached much anymore in the pulpits across America because the pastors of our day have fallen in the mindset of wanting everyone to like them, so they preach messages that will draw crowds and make people want to join "their" church. This is not what discipleship is, nor is it the way of the disciple. When Jesus our teacher; Rabbi, calls us, He does so with the intention of us becoming like Him. John 15:16 says, "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you." Jesus' last moments with His disciples before He was crucified warned His disciples, and it is for us too. The warning is this, there will be persecution and suffering for belonging to Jesus. He knew what lay ahead, and He didn't want His disciples faith shaken or destroyed(John 15:18-20;16:1-16). Today we have a problem with holding on to scripture unequivocally. We will cherish Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16, Philippians 4:13, we adorn coffee mugs, and key chains, and wall art, and Bible covers, bumper stickers with these verses. When we brother or sister is down or hurting, we encourage them with these "power verses", and while I love these scriptures as well, and they are truth, and are valid, so is the rest of the Bible, including suffering, and death, and martyrdom. I'm not saying we can't be encouraged by the word of God, but are we really discouraged, or are we just whiny?
Suffering is one of the major themes throughout the entire New Testament. In every book from Matthew to Revelation, you will find the word "suffer" or the allusion to it. The question is are you willing to endure suffering and persecution? If you won't can you be a true disciple? Are you really following in His steps, and becoming like Him (1 Peter 2:21) Do you want to live a godly life? Then you will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Philippians 2:29-30 calls it a privilege, why? Because when we suffer we faithfully represent Christ, we know that our message and example are having an effect and that God considers us worthy to represent Him. It is beneficial in that it takes our eyes off of earthly comforts; it weeds out superficial believers; and it strengthens the faith of those who endure it.
We as the church must quit deviating from the Great Commission and the things that come with it. We are presenting a false doctrine, and gospel otherwise. When we come to Jesus, we are carrying out His life. What was His life? Read the Gospels. One must know it is never safe to follow Christ. However, if you are His child whats the worst thing that could happen? This life isn't all there is (Romans 8:18, 1 Corinthians 15:19). Life apart from Him is Hell, but even further, disobedience is worse than suffering. You see, there is no glory without suffering. It's interesting, we thank God we are not like the persecuted church, when in actuality, its the very thing God has called us to.
I do not write this to discourage you, for the Bible also says that we are Worthy to rejoice in suffering (Acts 5:40-41).
Many before us died to keep God in our country, to keep the Bible alive so we can hold it in our hands today. Today God is being thrown out, who will stand up and suffer and be persecuted to bring Him back into this country? Back into our schools, back into out media, back into our holidays, Christmas, and Easter especially. Back into our laws, our leadership. Who will stand up and fight? Who is willing to make Jesus proud and pleased? (1 Peter 2:19-21) This is the cost. Just as John wrote to the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum, He encouraged them to stay faithful, keep hanging in there, and even in facing death they will be given a crown of life.
Have hope dear Christian, disciple of Christ, child of God, we do not suffer alone (2 Corinthians 1:5-7, Philippians 1:30, 2 Timothy 1:7-8). We have living within us the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are all connected withing the Body of Christ who is also the Bride of Christ. The Spirit gives us the strength and endurance needed to do what God has called us to do. It is so important that we refill on Him everyday. We are to be filled DAILY with the Spirit. We also have each other, which is why we must encourage each other to keep going, don't give up, it's all for Jesus. We can suffer with our brothers and sisters who are countries away serving the Lord on the mission field, we can suffer with a friend who has endured the death of a loved one. When we suffer we deny ourselves, and we pick up the cross. We give ourselves to others and their needs, and nail our passions and what we want to the cross in order that we may glorify Christ. Maybe we should sacrifice more so that we can fulfill the Great Commission more.

When you have time, watch this sermon from one of my favorite pastors, Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle Washington. According to him, Jesus is the senior pastor, and he's just another one of the pastors at Mars Hill. This particular sermon touched my heart. Mark preaches at the church in Smyrna on Jesus’ words—still applicable today—to the church in Smyrna from Revelation 2. Today, Turkey is the least churched nation; still, Jesus tells the church in Smyrna to be encouraged and to endure what he endured (tribulation, poverty, slander, suffering, even death), but not to fear. Pray for Christians and churches where persecution still continues.


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