The Most Important Question...

"And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid." -Mark 16:8

Last night I went to a lecture given by one of the worlds most renowned Greek scholars, Dr. Daniel Wallace. His topic last night was, "Monks, Muslims, and Manuscripts: The Story of Sinai. One of the interesting things he discussed in relation to Tischendorf, the modern day, Indiana Jones, and his founding of the "Codex Sinaiticus." In the earliest found manuscripts of the gospel of Mark, verses 9-20 are not included. Scholars are now debating where 9-20 came from, and explain that Mark intended to end his book with the women leaving the tomb in the manner they did to pose a question to the audience reading. It's an open ended conclusion asking, "What are you the reader going to do with Jesus? Will you share Jesus, or will you keep Him to yourself in fear and doubt?"
He further went on to discuss how Monks have given and committed their lives to the Word of God in keeping these manuscripts protected and available through technology for the world to see and know. As part of their tradition, they have what they call a skull room, stocked with the skulls of the Monks who died in the monasteries as true spiritual men of God, faithful to His Word. It reminds the Monks every time they pass it that life is short, and to make it count for the Lord. On one of the selves there is an Easter egg which reminds them of the resurrection.
Have you given your life to studying the Word of God? Have you given your life to Jesus? Have you shared Him?


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