Lord, Use Me

"When Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, the news spread quickly that he was back home. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God’s word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “My child, your sins are forgiven.” -Mark 2:1-5

My prayer, from the very depths of my heart has been that God would use me to reach the lost. My mind races to think about the number of people who are lost. I lay in bed and cannot sleep thinking of all the people who do not know Jesus. It breaks my heart. I pray this burning desire inside of me will stay ignited and fresh, and that I will stay alert and ready to share the gospel with all I come in contact with. I have so many loved ones who need Jesus, and I'm willing like the 4 friends in the story above to do whatever I can to get them to Jesus. To push through crowds, to dig a hole in the roof, the move the very gates of Hell to get them to Jesus. That's all my mind can think of, what can I do to get them right in front of Jesus? We should all be like these 4 friends carrying our friends and family to Jesus.
What would we sacrifice? Are we willing to change and cancel all our Sunday routines in order for one to come to Jesus? I am! I'll do whatever it takes. I'll listen, and talk as long as it takes.
What did these 4 friends posses? Love. There are many situations that God will allow us to step into that require us to love with His love. Sometimes we step into the darkest situations and all we can offer is the ministry of presence, and hold the persons hand, there isn't anything that can be said. We are faced with situations where we have to love people, and reach out with the deepest love of Jesus, reaching to the lowest hell, because Jesus reaches for the lowest hell. His love knows no boundaries. We as ourselves in our flesh cannot do this, God must do it in us and through us. How will others know the Love of God if we don't meet them right where they are?
These 4 friends also possessed faith. It takes a whole lot of faith to dig a hole in the roof and lower your friend right in front of this man called, Jesus. They must have known and believed that Jesus was who He said He was. That He the Healer, the Rescuer, the Savior. Otherwise why haul a grown man up the side of a house, dig a hole in the roof and lower the grown man down. That is a lot of work! They had faith that Jesus could heal their friend, and they did all they could to get him RIGHT IN FRONT OF JESUS.
They possessed hope. Their journey started with hope. Do you think these 4 friends had carried their friend all over to doctors, and to church for priests to pray over him hoping that something might could help and heal? And with one little sliver of hope still left they heard about Jesus, and in faith they took their friend to Him, because of love.
Friends, can we do this for one another? Can we dare to ask the Lord to use us? My heart has felt like a sinking rock this week because of the tragic death of someone I knew who did not know Jesus. I would say I hope you never have to experience this kind of pain, and everything I have faced this week. But oh, how it has grown me. It has caused me to humble myself, and love in a situation where I didn't want to love. My grief has been different, and it's a grief that cannot be explained only felt. But God can send you into the darkest of situations to be His light, shining like stars in the heavens. He used a star to lead the wise men to baby Jesus, He can use you to lead others to Him. (Be God's Star)


  1. Thanks Allison! I can tell this comes from the depths of your heart. I am thankful for FBC Indian Trail and our Pastor Mike Whitson along with you and so many others in the music area and throughout the church. I can confidently bring unsaved friends there knowing they will see consistent examples of the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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