
"Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." -Matthew 7:22-23

Today was filled with tragedy, as death is always near creeping around the corner waiting to take its next victim. However, I also believe in the sovereignty of God, and I know that He is the giver and taker of life. He is our very life, our next breath, the One who sustains us. My heart does not break because of the death, but knowing that this person was lost, and did not know Jesus, though many times presented the opportunity, the opportunity was not seized, and the choice was made to continue living in sin.
It is times like these that shake me to the very core, and make me realize how fragile and short life really is. I am reminded how the tragedies of this life are real, and that God is real. I am also reminded of how this life has nothing for the believer, and what our main goal here is. How at the end of the day, it isn't about who won the football game, what was bought at the store, who we are mad at, or even the idiot who cut you off on 485! It all comes down to these questions that we must ask ourselves DAILY! Did I glorify God in my life today? Was He pleased in the choices I made? Did I share Him with others? How is my relationship with Jesus? It's all about Jesus! It's always been about Jesus, from the beginning of time before the World was created, God knew that the humans He would create for Himself would sin and turn away from Him, so the plan was always to send Jesus to die and be our Redeemer! It will always be about Jesus! Today, and tomorrow, and next week, into eternity.
Eternity is a long time. Sometimes we get to wrapped in ourselves, and our feelings that we do not do the very thing God sent us here to do. We miss opportunity after opportunity to witness to people, and we don't do it for very lame excuses that won't amount to a hill of beans when we get to Heaven. Life goes one forever 1 of 2 places, Heaven or Hell. I had opportunities to witness to this person who was taken so suddenly and tragically, but I let my anger, and revenge get in control of me, and I didn't do it. God's purpose in sending Jesus is so that ALL will come to the saving knowledge of Him. Heaven isn't about us, it's all about Jesus, and who He loves. We don't get to pick and choose who will be there.
I pray we all catch the fire and it burn within us the passion to tell others about Jesus. It's not a game. People are in need of a Savior. Jesus is the overcomer of death! He is the hope and peace we must have in our frail human lives. We are nothing and can overcome nothing without Him. There are many people in this world who struggle to find solutions for the plagues and problems of this life that can't be solved. But Jesus says, "I offer you a life that is victorious over Satan and all his forces, including death and the plagues of the system that corrupts this world. All I ask is that you believe I am God in the flesh who died for your sin and rose again for your justification." If you place your faith in Christ, you are born into a new life. I don't want to be victimized by Satan, who goes around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). I don't want to be victimized by death and sent to hell. And I don't want to be victimized by the evil world's system, which tries to take the earth from Christ. Jesus said you can be a super-conqueror if you believe in Him and are born again. He bids us to come to the cross (The Cross of Christ) and die to ourselves, nailing our passions to the cross, and fully subjecting our lives to Him.
It's so good to know Jesus! I pray you know Him too. He promises that if we seek Him, we find Him. Jesus softly calls us to Himself, listen for His voice, talk to Him. He wants you to get to know Him, and love Him. He died for you! Don't let the tragic of events that filled my day, be one that is said of you. Let it be said of us that we served the Lord, that we loved Him with our every breath! Let it be said that we loved others with His love, that we lived each day basking in His presence, telling others about Him.


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