A Christmas Epiphany (feeling kind)

Epiphanies according to Wikipedia(college no-no) is an experience of sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe breakthrough scientific, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective. It's also a Christian holiday celebrated on January 6th, but that is a whole other subject, a very interesting one that I shall blog about on January 6th....I guess.
Today I watched the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life." Many families make it apart of their Christmas tradition every year. I hadn't seen the movie in 15+ years, but really enjoyed it. I dozed here and there, and was rejoice-full when it finally ended. However, as I sit here reflecting on the day, and in thinking of the message of this movie how thankful I am for my Savior and for my guardian angel through life. There have been many times like the main character in the movie that I wished I had never been born. And while my guardian angel hasn't taken me through my world had I not been born, as I have sat here thinking God has brought to mind the lives of those people I have touched that I know of, and who have expressed to me so. There are tons more maybe that I don't even know about, and it's such a humbling thought. We tend to think that other people might have led a person to the Lord, or been a friend, or cared, but it's not the case. We were created for the specific purposes that God laid before us, there is much work to be done and no one else can do the work assigned to us by our Creator, God our Father. Many think us as angels, but we are really just humans, Redeemed doing our job, fulfilling all God assigned for us to do. Not to dismiss the idea that we do entertain angels in disguise, but that is getting a little off subject.
I know a handful of people who have touched many lives, and it causes a chain reaction. I've always been set on changing the world for Christ. The world will never change completely for Christ that is prophesied but I can touch lives, and change my surroundings by the Power of Jesus and the mission He has given us all to achieve. Don't think for one minute the world is better off without you. There is someone out there waiting to hear from you specifically about the hope of Jesus. There is someone out there who needs your friendship specifically. Everything happens for a reason, nothing is left to chance. We have all wasted many years, but we can't remain dormant and keep wasting years thinking about the years we wasted, hope is never lost. In the wisdom of Winston Churchill: "Success is never final, failure is never fatal, it is courage that counts."


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