Faith in the Watchtower

Though Habakkuk is both perplexed and pained by the suffering and injustice in the world, his frustration does not lead him not into a bitter state of accusing God of evil. Rather, it drives him to God in prayerful inquiry, which is a wise example for us all in times of darkness and doubt because many things are hidden in Gods’ understanding alone, causing our speculation to be mere vanity. God then responds by telling Habakkuk that His plan was to permit the ruthless and godless nation of Babylon to invade His people as discipline for their continual evil.
You see, God has a plan. He see's everything, He is the ultimate watchmen. It’s not like God is in heaven going, “I just can’t tolerate it. It’s just way too much. I made the man and the woman. Next thing I know, they’re naked and doing crazy things. I had no idea it would come to this. I just can’t bear it.” We'd be in big trouble if God kept turning His back on us every 3 seconds, and I would forget to repent every 3 seconds too. This is God's sovereignty over His creation. He knows all, and sees all, nothing catches Him off guard, or surprises Him. He knows every intimate detail of our life, He knows when I will say that word I'm not suppose to say again. However, as a disciple of Christ, God expects a lot more out of me, than out of my enemies. Because I claim Him. I cannot live any way I want to.
Habakkuk was living in fear for what was to come. In just these 3 verses we see God take him from fear to faith. Waiting on the Lord is faith, and that's exactly what Habakkuk does. He climbs up in the watchtower and waited for what the Lord would say to him in what to do about the present circumstances, and complaints he had brought to God. Who knows how long Habakkuk waited before the Lord spoke, but God did answer. He urged Habakkuk to write the vision down, write the revelation of what is to come. They wouldn't happen right away, but it would be fulfilled! He encouraged Habakkuk to continue being patient. It's having faith in the Faithful one. I'm sure God had done many other things in Habakkuk's life, and he could go back on that and remember the faithfulness of his God.
We need more Habakkuk's in the world. People who will go to the watchtower, a place where we are getting alone with God, in eager expectation and waiting, a place where we are alerted the enemy is coming. Where we see hope on the horizon. It is where we worship and pray as we wait in faith for an answer from God. It is preparing us for what is about to be said. Our hearts are being prepared to hear from HIM. Then He speaks...
I am a watchman in my family, my church, ministry, my generation, my country. What is God speaking to me about what's going on in my family, in my generation, and my country? God not only wants me to listen to Him, He wants me to write it down. To write down the plans He has for my family, my church, my generation...etc. God is writing too. He keeps a record, He writes my name in His Book, He writes down all I do. It becomes a testimony of faithfulness.
I claim this promise in Habakkuk. I claim it in faith that God is working and he sees the mess my country is in...He sees everything. In the meantime He is saying, "the righteous will live by their faith!" Remember our series faith believing obedience? We're back to that. Faith obeys, faith believes. God will be our faith, and it will bring us to the point where we can rejoice in judgement. Agreeing with what God is doing, which is His will, going back to Him being so sovereign. We are joyful because of His will even unto death.
We have much to hear from God about, and He wants to tell us. Get up in the watchtower, call out upon His people, "Thus Saith the Lord!" then be still and listen.


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