Still No Room

In the story of the birth of Jesus we read that Mary and Joseph were pretty much "sent out back" to have Jesus because there was no vacancy left in the inn. As the years have passed the major lesson scholars and teachers and theologians; studiers of the Word have pulled out from this story is the challenge of whether we have room for Jesus in our hearts and lives. Christmas in and Christmas out I hear this philosophical challenge over and over, yet we do not realize all the while as we say it, we have yet to apply it and live out the truths we speak over and over and over. Perhaps we don't mean to, perhaps we don't even realize, but in a recent conversation with my sister we came to the agreement that there is still no room for Jesus in the "inn" of our hearts and lives. All Christmas season it's rush here and there. Buy this, buy that! We must do this, we must see this, and with each passing event we slowly push Jesus back out of our lives..if He was there to begin with, and bring focus back onto self. We find ourselves exhausted, and wanting Christmas to be done! Before we know it Christmas ends as a whirlwind, then looking back we realize Jesus wasn't in any of it because we had no time, we had no energy, there were other things to do.
Oh dear Christian may we stay heavenly minded. May we stay Jesus centered. It's all about Jesus. May we use our energy and time to invest in the Kingdom rather than ourselves. May we encourage each other as we get together with family and friends to remain in a spiritual mindset of our lives being for Jesus. To continue to be great stewards through the holiday season. To quit making excuses why the holiday wasn't "good enough" and realize that everyday is great because Jesus is alive, he was born and lives forever! Sure there may be off years but it doesn't change who Jesus is. That is why He must become our foundation, and that is why we must invite Him into our hearts and lives.
Today is New Years, a time to clean out old, and bring in new, where we vow to do things. What needs to be cleaned out of your life so that Jesus isn't crowded out. He WILL reveal it. Even in writing our resolutions ask God first. Don't look at yourself and write out what you think, and what you want, look at God. What does He think? What does He want?
As the favored Christmas carol goes:
Joy the world, the Lord has come
Let Earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room...


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