A Time to Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."

Last night I was overcome with great emotion, and under immense spiritual attack. I felt myself going to a very dark place, I couldn't move. I laid and cried, all I could get out was "Help Me!" over and over. I felt as if I needed to get up and read my Bible, or Sing, or Pray some long expressive prayer to God. Every time I tried to get up God said, No! I was doing exactly what He wanted me to do. Just being still. There was so much pain, there was so much emptiness...
Before I had gone to bed I had re-read the Facebook status of a woman I dearly love, and look up to, she is going through A LOT right now, yet even so she teaches so much with her life, these are her words:
"Is there a longing for more in your heart? Do you experience loneliness even in the middle of a crowd? Dissatisfaction may cause some to indulge in an extra slice of their favorite cheesecake, swallow that pill prescribed to "take the edge off", drink an alcoholic beverage, search for companionship online, involve themselves in one more activity to gain significance, or read a romance novel. If you need peace and contentment, the only true source is a relationship with your creator. He created you with holes. Holes only He can fill. When we try to fill the hole with imitations, pain and loneliness can intensify. God says, "Be still and know that I am God." We choose the best thing when we enter into His presence and allow Him to fill our hearts with His love for us, His peace to relieve our fears, and joy that is felt even in tragedy. Cling to His promises and let His arms surround you with an everlasting comfort."
So many times we feel we have to do something to combat spiritual warfare, and while yes it's a good idea to read your Bible, Pray, and Sing, it ends up us trying to fill the holes. It ends up being spiritual. God taught me this morning that there is a difference in Him coming to us and filling the holes in our heart as being in relationship with us.
There is a time to be quiet before Him. There is a time to be still. As a result our faith grows, and the test is passed.
Keep turning to Him.


  1. This is so precious to me. I am finding, during this season of life in the mid-40s, that I understand more and more why women my age fall to the pressure of prescription drugs, alcohol, food indulging. Especially with the pres. drugs and alcohol, it most likely starts with the intentions of a temporary remedy and then becomes out of control. As I deal with new anxieties, hormonal imbalances, and all the things that are part of this fallen state we are currently in, I am daily more determined to remain "sober" in every way and to cling to the Lord and His Word. Titus 2 is often a place I wallow, and my favorite word is "sober." I find that I am encountering more temptations lately than I have in a long time to have a drink or seek a prescription, but I continue to hear that still, small Voice remind me that He has called me to walk through the fire with Him clean and sober, so that His Word will not be maligned or dishonored, and so that others can find their way to Him as He lives His life through Me. Oh Allison, I love you, and Ms. Koral, too, as we press on together.


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