Don't Miss Him

I've been on my computer for like 30 minutes maybe, was doing research on the whole Satan being portrayed in The Bible miniseries, people are saying it's Obama. Everywhere I turned my heart sank deeper and deeper. There is so much deception out there. It's people we once thought were good, and could be trusted in the Christian realm of things, and in bringing the truth are turning their backs on God, and are just as deceived. It's hard to understand how that happens. It would seem as if, once you know the truth for real and its in you, that's it. What an awful light that shines on the term Christian when "pastors" are doing their own thing, and following their own belief. It's like what Dr. Lynch preached Sunday night at my church, they name Jesus, but it's not our Jesus, he was preaching from 1 Peter. We are in a sin fallen world, it proves itself over and over, and it needs so bad, Jesus...who millions tuned in to watch Sunday Night on The History Channel. Instead people make this deal out of Satan being "Obama" and look what happened again....they missed Jesus. We continuously miss Him. Over and over, through the centuries, since the children of Israel wondering in the desert. I guess sin identifies with itself. It shows who the real master is. Is my Master Jesus? Do I notice Him more? I'm just a little 23 year old kid, with lots to learn. It becomes more and more obvious that God is the one we can ever truly rely on. It's just discouraging and disturbing. Life lessons are like that I guess. Sometimes we look around us in this little world and almost want to shout, we need a Savior! The good news is, there is a Savior, He has come, and will come again. Think all true disciples as Christ identify more with the term Christ follower, than Christian. I am bothered by the term Christian lately. Which really, the term Christian was a name made up for those who were following Christ as a mockery. I am learning to be very weary of people who say they are "Christians." The term is too loose, so I'm sticking more predominately with Christ Follower. That's hard to say, Christ offends people.
I have also become more aware and concerned that we as Christ Followers are suffering greatly in our churches and ministries as a lack of leading a life of prayer. Instead we have become apt to first turn to Lifeway and their research, and curriculum, or we turn to self help books, or go to conferences, or go hear this preached, or we consult other people, or we do what we think is best. As a result our ministries suffer or they end up not glorifying Jesus because He has totally been left out of the picture. We are "serving" Him, but are we serving Him right? I lived this for a while, and probably still do from time to time, where I serve Jesus, but I have left Him out of if He is really calling me to that, or is this the way He wants me to handle this? When we come to God in prayer, we are coming to an alter of sacrifice and worship. Sometimes it's physical when we come forward in our churches. Sometimes all we really need in life is a tear stained alter and conversation with Jesus. I see the alter as such a sacred place. It is a place for someone to come meet face to face with Jesus, they are not alone. Jesus is there, and He is ministering to the broken hearted, and revealing Himself to the seeking. I think so much we do in ministry must be based on discernment, but most of all prayer. Without prayer there is no discernment, because we are not hearing from God, or talking to Him. That's living above the sun, fixing our gaze upward. Hearing from and talking to someone who is the Highest, He is higher than all the stars, He is higher than anything we can imagine. He's so awesome! He is Greater! Don't miss Him. The verse in Revelation 3 that is so famously MISquoted as Jesus knocking on the sinners heart, is actually Jesus knocking on the Saints heart, the one who is saved. When we don't talk to Him, we might as well had thrown Him out of our lives. But, He loves us so much that He refuses to stay out of our lives, so he knocks, and knocks, knocks, knocks, knocks, over and over...


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