Something to Consider

I think this video can include all Christ Followers, and can be applied to more than the Bible. This is can happen in our prayer life, in our worship, in every aspect of following Christ. Wrong things motivate us constantly, when in fact it's all about Jesus. I was talking to a friend of mine, he is a great teacher and I've been blessed to sit under his teaching. In a conversation he mentioned to me how we tend to look at the Bible as we do a horoscope. Before I go any further, please know right now reading your horoscope is pretty lame, and you shouldn't do it. It is not of the Lord, the horoscope does not determine your steps, God does! Now with that in mind, do you really believe that 1,000,000,000 people will encounter the same thing as you in reading a horoscope? It's the same thing with the Bible. John 3:16 may not be just for you today, or Isaiah 61:1. That is why we must read the scripture, and pray, then read some more, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us to where He wants us to read today. What message does He want you to have today? When you come upon it, you will know. THE Spirit in your spirit will gently say, that's it.
It's the same with prayer. We cannot merely pray to have our way. When we pray we pray in the will of the Father. What is the Fathers will? That you would seek Him, and Trust Him, and ask Him for the things promised in scripture, ask Him for things that line up with Who He is. Don't turn Him into a magic genie. He is God. The way we know how to pray, and the way we see Him as God is to be in His Word. Seeing Him as the true living King Jesus. Once you know Him you know His will.
Love Jesus for Jesus. Not what He can do for you, but what He already did for you, and the fact that He wants relationship with you.
The essence of it all is this. Either you desire God, or you don't. We have it all backwards at times. We want to use God, God is instead wanting to use us. We want God to give to us, but He wants us to give to Him. We want to hear from God, but God isn't speaking and we aren't listening, God wants to hear from us.
Jesus is the answer, it's all about Him.


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