Life of a Christian-Personal Ministry

"You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." -2 Timothy 2:2

Isn't my art work delicacy? I have here for you, a diagram. You can click on it to make it bigger. I can draw and design them, but don't ask me to solve them in math.
In our Christian lives, we are to disciple and be discipled. In the great commission Jesus did not just instruct us to go out witnessing, but to actually make disciples. In other words don't just leave people hanging after you've lead them to the Lord. Teach them, keep leading them to the Lord through His Word, and all there is to learn. It's kind of like a chain reaction, and it's what we see in this verse from 2 Timothy, I didn't just wake up one day with tons of knowledge and wisdom. It takes the right kind of people investing in our lives teaching us, so that we can teach those God gives us, and in turn these people will go on to teach others. Ministry can be really effective when it's done correctly.
Spiritual growth is pursuing holiness. The longer we know Him the more we are to be like Him. Jesus was all about The Kingdom which was pointing people to the Father, Serving, which is really leadership in disguise, and helping people. We read about all of this in the 4 Gospels, which is his known ministry years. We are each in the ministry, linked in our testimonies is something unique to you, that can be turned into how you personally minister to others. As you mature in the Lord you will be presented these opportunities. These opportunities help you grow as well.
In John 9, the disciples wanted to argue with Jesus about the source of a man’s blindness, but Jesus saw him much differently. Not as an issue to discuss and argue about, but as a person to help.
Why do some Christians see everything so differently? Possibly they have become consumers of spiritual content vs. disciples who are not only learning and growing, but most importantly, investing in others. Nothing will amplify your insight into what God’s doing like involvement. People on the sidelines don’t see it the same way that people who are involved see it. If you’re stagnant or struggling in your faith just now, maybe you’ve stopped actively serving. It’s a common heart ailment that often goes undiagnosed. Involvement opens your eyes to see God working. True followers of Jesus aren’t just consuming spiritual content, they are serving the kingdom by helping to get God’s truth to others in a personal, practical way.
Keep taking in, but give out. Otherwise you become fat and constipated, and nobody likes that. Good thing Sunday is almost here. Serve God, Serve His people.


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