
She grabbed my hand and said, “Listen!” Grabbing her hand back, I listened to the lyrics of the song that filled the sanctuary:
All my life I have been called unworthy
Named by the voice of my shame and regret
But when I hear You whisper, "Child lift up your head"
I remember, oh God, You're not done with me yet
I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I used to be...
I had heard the song hundreds of times, but this particular morning the lyrics were dumped straight into my heart. The lyrics that were all to familiar became like new and alive again. She knew I needed to tune in, and grasp the truth of these few words. God was speaking, and He was working. He’s not finished with me. All the bad things I've done, He doesn't remember. Yet, I sit chained to them some days, completely overwhelmed. David writes in Psalm 3, that the Lord is a shield against the enemy when he comes and tries to destroy. There are many who rise up and cause trouble, and grief. Many try to keep me away from the Lord, saying “God can’t help you!” But my Savior, He comes and rescues, the One who is my glory, and lifts my head, the one who watches over me when I sleep, the One who I find victory in. He doesn't condemn me. He doesn't shame nor guilt me.
Psalm 19:12-14 says, "How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Deliverance is found in this Psalm. Jesus has truly Redeemed my life. That means that He is in control of my life, and if He is in control of my life, then He, through the Holy Spirit, helps me control what I do, even the hidden things I don't even know about. We should not guilt ourselves. Guilt can crippled the Christ follower, and make us fearful. But God. He completely, and fully forgives us, even for the unknown sin. Forgiveness is freedom.
You will recall the story of the woman who was caught in adultery was brought before Jesus. By law, she was to be stoned. You can imagine her guilt and shame. She was called unworthy. Jesus didn't accuse her, He didn't condemn, He invited her to a life change. He extended forgiveness, and the opportunity to turn from her sin.(John 8) God wasn't finished with her either. Jesus' came to destroy the works of Satan, and set us free once and for all. The power of the cross deactivated Satan's power over us. Yet, so often we forget, and go right back into "jail" so to speak.
There is still much I have to learn. God has already unlocked and broken the chains, I just have to let them go. On this journey, not only does my dear sister in the Lord, hold my hand, the One who we call Savior, our Redeemer, holds us in His hand forever, He doesn't let go. Psalm 136 declares "His faithful love endures forever."

Father, help me. I don't understand how I get right back into the messes I find myself in at times. But, I'm thankful that I'm not lost, because You promised you will never leave me. Impress Your truths deep in my heart. That each day I would encounter you in way that I never have before, sometimes that comes with huge responsibility, and doing things that make uncomfortable. It means forgiving, and doing the little things that clear my heart of the hoards of bitterness and anger. Father, make me a clean vessel, worth something. Thank you that you aren't done with me yet. My only existence is to glorify you. I desire to be free once and for all, like I am saved once and for all, for Your name sake! Thank you for dear sisters who at times must grab my hand and remind me of the truths you want to speak into my life, and remind me of who I am in You. Most of all, thank you for cross, for the blood of Jesus. My King, and Redeemer. A King dying for a wretch such as myself so that I may have life to the fullest, free from sin, free from the power of Satan. Teach me how to appropriate the power, and truth accomplished on the cross. The blood gives me Victory over every stronghold, addiction, and and bondage that I am in right now. I too, take up my cross and follow You. Thank you for grace, mercy, peace, and Your love. I love you, Father. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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