Worshiping God's Way

Jesus gets all the glory.
All praise belongs to Him.

There are many times I am stunned into silence when I think about my Savior. I try to open my mouth, but nothing will come out. There is nothing I can say. In pursuit of worship after God's own heart comes a heart of praise.
Like anything else in following Christ, we do not come to God on our terms, we come on HIS terms. The church has had a way of Americanizing the gospel, and worship, we shout in the name of freedom, and rights that we can worship in our own way, but friend, when you live under God's authority and rule American ways no longer are on the table. In our call to worship Him, we are called to worship on God's terms. This is the essential fact of true worship. You will never read in the Bible about your rights. We give them up when we come to Him. Psalm 95 says, "Let us come worship and bow down, kneeling before the Lord God our Maker. For He is our God, and we are His people, the sheep of His hand." This is more than just a body posture too. The focus is surrender of our will, our feelings, and everything and turning them over to Him. Once we choose God, as MY God, I am naming Him Lord of my life, granting Him alone the right to prescribe in our lives how He wishes us to worship Him.
Consider the story of Abraham and Issac. God called Abraham to worship Him through giving Issac, why Issac? God plans to grow us up in faith's ways. Faith is Salvation, and results in obedience. Abraham passed the test, God provided another sacrifice, and in Hebrews 11:7 we are told that Abraham really offered Issac because of faith's living worship that was found in His obedience, and willingness.
Doxology comes from the Greek word 'for glory' and names the single stanza hymn. While many have heard the Westminster Confession that “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever,” fewer have understood that doxology is the highest purpose for church. God’s own glory as the priority for your church and every church needs no reflection on our part, only obedience. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit and and forfeit His manifest presence by making other things priority over Him. God’s glory can be briefly neglected, but if not soon corrected, we will find ourselves in a place where the only choice is to sink. Neglect of glory is not a small oversight but the hinge on which God’s glorious favor swings in or out in any church.

It is coming to a place in not seeking our own will, but His will. Even if I didn't gain a thing, it would be worth is all, because Jesus is worth everything to me.
Are our hearts willing? Are our hearts prepared? Are our hearts stirred up?
Willing to live without much? Willing to be called away from what we have called home for a long time? Willing to live a life of pain? Are we prepared to give up everything for His glory?
He must be glorified, I must become nothing...to boast all in Him.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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