Called, Chosen, Faithful

"Together they will go to war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of all lords and King of all kings. And his called and chosen and faithful ones will be with him." -Revelation 17:14 Recently I was challenged to memorize this verse in Revelation. As I studied it, and poured over the verse the 3 words "called, chosen, and faithful" stood out. I made myself a note to blog about it, and study it more in depth. My filter is this blog, things I read, encounter, and hear I am constantly soaking up for writing on here, and of course for my own Spiritual growth and knowledge. The question I asked myself in meditating on this verse was am I all these things? Mostly, am I faithful? It is said that Revelation 17:14 is the main theme verse than can sum up Revelation. No worries, we aren't talking about Revelation today, but I do want to focus on these 3 words that are used to describe the character of Christ Followers. What does i...