Called, Chosen, Faithful

"Together they will go to war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of all lords and King of all kings. And his called and chosen and faithful ones will be with him." -Revelation 17:14

Recently I was challenged to memorize this verse in Revelation. As I studied it, and poured over the verse the 3 words "called, chosen, and faithful" stood out. I made myself a note to blog about it, and study it more in depth. My filter is this blog, things I read, encounter, and hear I am constantly soaking up for writing on here, and of course for my own Spiritual growth and knowledge. The question I asked myself in meditating on this verse was am I all these things? Mostly, am I faithful? It is said that Revelation 17:14 is the main theme verse than can sum up Revelation. No worries, we aren't talking about Revelation today, but I do want to focus on these 3 words that are used to describe the character of Christ Followers. What does it mean to be called, chosen, and faithful?
There is a verse in Matthew that says that "Many are called, but few are chosen." In other words, many hear the calling but few will respond in faithful obedience to this calling. In the Greek, calling is defined as this:
An invitation to someone to accept responsibility for a particular task or a new relationship. God calls/invites the believer to relationship with Him or to a particular role in His Kingdom. Klesis is the invitation itself, and kletos describes a person who has already been called.
We are called out by commission to this warfare, we are chosen and fitted for it, and we will be faithful in it. When we respond to this calling we are to live worthy of the calling. Called and chosen to live a life of holiness. 1 Peter 2:9 says that we are called out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. Into marvelous light I'm running! We should be zealous to make certain of our salvation. Our zeal to grow in Christian virtue confirms we have been chosen. Jesus has chosen, and appointed us to go and produce fruit that will last (John 15:16). We are saved to be faithful because we are human beings, born in a fallen state, but who exercised faith to salvation. This is the main point I want to drive home. Faithfulness. Faith is hinged on everything, it's such a pinnacle in all of the Christians life! Many people have such weak faith because they give into the worlds philosophies, and throw around cliches like "don't judge me" or "I'm saved by grace, not works." I'm sick of people boasting in their sin. To go off on a tanget a little bit, back when the Israelites had to sacrifice 2 lambs everyday, it was public, bloody, smelly, and unpleasant in every physical way. They were not intended to please the participants, but to instill in the nation the horror of sin in the eyes of God and the absolute necessity of a substitutionary sacrifice. Don't throw grace around, and be so flippant in your actions, that isn't faithfulness! That is foolishness and such a slap in the face to Jesus himself who you claim you love. Live a holy, and faithful life, worthy of the calling and choosing. If you are going to accept the responsibility, do it well. This is not judgement, this is truth! This is in the Word that is to be a guide in every believers life. It teaches how to live a life faithfully to the calling and choosing. There is a price to be paid for being faithful to God. Christians need to be concerned about the judgement of their actions. A holy, reverent fear needs to come out of us before God. Not many choose the calling. Faith, and faithfulness goes and hand in hand with works. We are saved to our works. It's work to have relationship with Jesus, it's work reading the Bible. Faithfulness is works, works is faithfulness.
James says in his letter to Christians that faith without works is dead. It's like I said in my last post, it's not so much about believing truth about Him, but by knowing Him. We know Him through action. Following Jesus is an action. It doesn't save us, but it sure is a distinguisher. James says even demons who are the fallen angels, including Satan himself believe there is One God. So, who are we emulating most? God or Satan? Are you faithful in following Jesus? There is another decision to be made. As for me, I have decided to follow Jesus, and I will never turn back. He has called me, He has chosen me, I will be faithful to Him, and Him alone.
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back, no turning back.
hough I may wonder, I still will follow;
No turning back, no turning back.
The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back, no turning back.
Though none go with me, still I will follow
No turning back, no turning back.
God bless you as you seek Him.


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