In Fields of Grace

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5:1-2

I recently learned the definition of grace. It is from the Greek word "charis" and it means, joy, favor, acceptance, a kindness granted or desired, a benefit. God's grace is the forgiveness of the repentant sinner, but it's also Him giving us joy and thankfulness. Many of us desire to live in grace, but don't really know what we are living under. We use it to justify our actions, or make our conscience feel better. In order to live in grace and receive it, we must be repentant and acknowledge we've done wrong. Then instead of guilting and shaming ourselves, we receive the grace that is ours to have joy and acceptance from our Father. I've only just discovered this, I've only just begun to really live as a redeemed child of God, and understand the worth I have in Him, and just how much He really loves me.
There is a song Big Daddy Weave sings, "Fields of Grace." I'm dancing with my Father in fields of grace today, I hope you are in this field too. The only way we dance with Him is if we are following His lead, just as we dance with the "prince charmings" in our own lives...I have yet to find mine. Usually the man leads when a lady dances with him, he sets the pace, where he moves, she will move too. We cannot dance in grace, or with our Father if we are not following Him. This doesn't not necessarily point to bad choices, but it's religion that most separates us from Jesus and His grace. It's easy to become legalistic, and like a pharisee. This is where I find myself often times.
Are you dancing with Our Father in grace? I pray so, I am!


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