My Prayer of Surrender

My God, I want to give myself to you. I want you to be my master. Give me the courage to do this. My spirit within me sighs after you. Strengthen my will. Take me. If I don't have the strength to give You everything, then draw me by the sweetness of Your love. Lord, who do I belong to, if not to You? What a horror to belong to myself, and to my passions! I pray for a holy passion, Father. Help me find all my happiness and joy in You, there is no true happiness or joy outside of You.
Why am I afraid to break out of chains? Do the things of this world mean more to me than You? Am I afraid to give myself to You? What a mistake! It is not even I who would give myself to You, but You who would give Yourself to me. Take my heart.
What joy it is to be with You, to be quiet so that I might hear Your voice! Feed me, teach me out of Your depths. Oh God, You only make me love You. Why should I fear to give you everything and draw close to You? To be left to the world is more frightening than this! Your mercy can overcome any obstacle. I am unworthy of You, but I can become a miracle of Your grace.
Love has won, You reign victorious! Do what you will in me. In Jesus' name. Amen


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