The Way of the Master

It seems the most popular question among God's people is, "What is His will for my life?" Frantically we search, we quiver at the thought of the possibility of messing His will up, and getting out of His will. God's will isn't really so difficult to follow or be in, not as difficult as we think or make it out to be. All this frantic searching leaves in a mess, and with no peace, this in itself isn't God's will. Our inner man is to be at peace even when things all around us fall apart, and knock us down, all that should be flowing out of us is peace because we have Jesus living in us, the Holy Spirit is our peace...and not the hippy kind.
Our problem is we do not absolutely surrender our lives. Only when we stop seeking after ourselves, and seek Him we will always live in discontent and worry. There can only be one will between God and ourselves Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3. So the real question becomes, "Who is my master?" In this aspect our ways, actions, and choices are determined, and that's pretty much what we are asking when we pray for His will to be done, we are praying for His specific plan and purpose in the things we do. This leads to an even deeper thought...of course.
Christians want to know the will of God, but don't take the time to know the One who is the "will giver" I guess you could say. We tend to seek more after the "will" than we do the Father. It is the Father who leads to the will. He is the guider of our path, David says this over and over in the Psalms he wrote. So, how do we know the Father? How do we know His Son, Jesus? How do we learn to operate in the Holy Spirit? Through His Word. This is the deeper meaning behind things we encounter in life. You see, life isn't that much different from the folks in Bible times, as Solomon points out in Ecclesiastes, and the inspiration behind this blog name that, "There is nothing new under the sun." There is a reason we need to know Doctrine, what you know about the Bible, and the Trinity affects how we live out our lives. We have a correct conviction about His Word and what He has called us too. So instead of asking if decisions we make are Gods will, use doctrinal convictions from the Word as the straight edge and ask, "Is this good stewardship? Will this be worshipful toward the Father? How does this image Him? How will God judge me for this? Will this hinder my relationship with Him?" We learn the answers better to these questions the more we are reading His Word, and spending time with Him consistently. You do what you can to get to Jesus, whether you have to climb through the dirt, at other people's feet, break a hole in roof and have your friends lower you down, leaving your friends to serve like crazy while you are at His feet, jumping into the sea and swimming ashore, or meeting Him in the middle of stormy get to Jesus! 5 minutes a day won't cut it, and feeling all the colors of the wind like Pocahontas won't cut it either. A quiet, unplugged, intimate, one on one time where we submit ourselves to His Word, and where when we look in it, it becomes like a mirror. His living and active Word shows us ourselves for who we truly are, it cuts deep into our heart, and cuts away the things that aren't imaging our Savior, and oh yes, it hurts! But, I'd rather be conformed to His image scared if need be, than to be left looking like I do now. That's God's will. I love the life verse the Lord gave me in Romans 12:1-2 which says this:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.It's all in the mind. I was fighting that last week. It's a battlefield. When our mind becomes renewed, our perspectives change, that's when we start to live above the sun, and no longer to we question, "Is this God's Will?" Instead our response becomes "God how will this that you have allowed glorify You?" Recently God gave me this image in my mind, when we walk to close to the Father, and are so close to His heart on the narrow road, when we walk arm in arm with Him, I go where He goes. If He goes right, I go right, if He goes left, I do too. If we come to 3 open doors, I go through the one He goes through. Sometimes, we peer through doors, behind one door is beautiful, and just HAS to be from God, then we peer behind another one and it's a valley deep and dark, and there are times that God takes us through that door, and whispers, "Looks can be deceiving." In any case, I'd rather walk with my Savior in the darkest of valleys than without Him in the bright green pastures.
God bless you as you seek Him.
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