How Narrow is Narrow?

"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and it's gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it." -Matthew 7:13-14

You want to know how you know you're on the narrow road? If you're called "narrow minded." Ok so that was probably half a joke, but it seems kinda logical to me.

I've been in Oregon for the past 2 weeks now as a missionary, and have continuously wanted to blog but there has been so much new that I've had a really hard time soaking it all up and writing. The Pastor my team is working with, Keith Evans and his wife Beverly, took us up to Multnomah Falls. It is so beautiful! I was reminded how awesome our Creator is, not just in the vastness, and power, and beauty of the waterfall, but in every tiny detail. The tiniest flower is as important as the waterfall. Not only that, but the truth of this thought that God created one little tiny flower for just me to see and notice. What a wonderful thought!
We hiked up the mountain to the top of the falls, it was a mile up, and so steep! Hiking up this steep narrow road and I couldn't help but think of what Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew. We walk a narrow road, few ever find it. It's interesting because at first the path is clogged with so many people but, the higher you climb and the steeper it gets the fewer you see. How it is with our lives as we follow after Christ, taking up our cross, dying to self daily, it's a painful steep narrow road. It's not easy.
When we come to the conclusion of Acts 4:12, when we call on the name of Jesus, entered through the narrow gate, and receive salvation. However, when we walk through the gate we find that the road is even more narrow than we maybe thought. There are people who do not enter through the gate, but come in through other ways trying to broaden the path and lead the sheep astray. Many of us on this narrow road have tried to make it broader ourselves to accommodate our wants, dreams and wishes. We hear the philosophy of many self proclaimed Christians say: "We are dealing with a modern world that has different needs and expectations that in the past. We must make people comfortable and welcome, we are competing with the world afterall. We might loose them if we tell them to pick up our cross and deny self and lay their lives down for the cause of Christ." Beware of these philosophies, and mind sets! This makes God looks like he is a servant to fulfill all of our expectations.
What kind of message does this send to people who are lost? If we are widening the path and not walking the narrow road ourselves. To a generation of lost souls who have never heard the gospel it sends the message that no one cares, no one sacrifices, and no one is willing to tell them the Good News of Salvation.
The narrow road calls us to a life of sacrifice, and pain and suffering, it threatens our comfort. It calls us to walk the same path that Jesus did, who in doing so willingly went to the cross and shed His blood for our redemption. Are we willing to do the same? Even for a complete stranger!?
Jesus' footprints go before us, and at the end of this long narrow road He will meet us. I can't wait for that day! But in the meantime I must ask myself this question, "What are the things that are holding me back?"

Oh Father, that I would endure this path you have called me to walk. It is the path that leads to you, and there is no other path I'd rather be on. Each step I take may it land right in Yours. Give me the strength to bear my cross. May I daily die to myself, Father, every second of the day even. Correct me when I'm wrong. I love you. Thank you for Your Son, Jesus who came to die and Save me so I could be with You forever, worshiping you as the one true King. May my heart be ever a blaze for You with Your message of hope, grace, and love. Guide me, and keep me. I'm holding on to you! You're all I reach for. In Jesus' name. Amen


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