Producing Fruit with Seed

One afternoon recently in my quiet time, I've been reading the book Praying the Names of God and was reading about the name Elohim. This particular name of God reminds us that He is God mighty Creator, the one who began it all, the Beginning and the End. In this was His command and will as outlined in Genesis that all trees put forth "fruit with seed." As I read that it struck me, and my mind went straight to the Fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians. What an interesting thought. Do we ever pause to consider that the fruit we are producing as Christians has seed, and what that means? Oh, it gets me excited!
When we produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control where God has placed us it becomes the essence of who we are and how we do ministry. Who we are impacts how we affect people in our ministry. This is how we effectively produce, sow, and even harvest seed.
You see when our pastor's though they be discouraged remain faithful to the teaching of God's Word under the conviction of the Holy Spirit seed will fall from His faithfulness into the hearts of those he is shepherding. When the lonely missionary is out proclaiming the Good News seed will be planted from his patience and faithfulness. When you are broken hearted, God promised in His Word to give you joy, and when you live in that joy, seed will be planted into all who cannot explain your joy.
It is all about living by His Word and His promises. To obey His Word is to fulfill His mission He has given the Church. Before we can do any of what is mentioned above we must be fully 100% submitted to the Holy Spirit's work in our life. We cannot do anything without Him controlling our lives.
My encouragement to you is the same as in the last post. Humble yourselves before God, empty yourselves and allow Him to fill you with Himself. Give love away. Be a fruit producer, and seed planter. This is a sign of Spiritual growth!


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