Selfless Giving

"The deepest humility is the source of the truest happiness of a joy that nothing can destroy." -Andrew Murray

I have learned that selfless giving is the way into a person’s heart. Jesus knew this too. It is the act of humbly submitting ourselves to another in love. In a world that is selfish, selfless giving shocks another.
Sometimes selfishness can even be disguised. Things we as Christians would never label as being selfish suddenly take us away from opportunities to give to another.
Such a thing happened to me recently. I left the house to go back to church and just be in a quiet place. I wanted to read my Bible and pray, and maybe talk to a few people back home before band practice started. I got to the church, and it was all locked up. Sometimes I forget that it’s okay to have a life outside of the walls of church and “churchy” things. I’m such a Jesus nerd. It was for good reason the Lord let that happen. I drove to Starbucks and there the Lord gave me 2 opportunities (just as I had asked Him earlier that day), to minister to people. Ministry happens outside of the walls of the church building too. I’m discovering this more and more as well. The guy behind the counter was new to the area, so I invited him to the church I’m working with this month. I placed my order, and he was so helpful and patient with me as I scrambled to figure out what I wanted and other things. The lady behind me ordered her drink as I stood there waiting for my drink to be made. The Spirit then moved me to pay for her drink and tell her, “God Bless You.” She was both so grateful and shocked. I mean lets get real here, it’s rare a complete stranger wants to pay for your order. I came to find out that her birthday was the next day. In that moment, though I wasn’t able to share the gospel, I know I planted a seed that God will bless and begin to cultivate. What’s even cooler is the fact that I had on my, “Give Love Away” t-shirt.
You see Jesus did the same thing. But He did more than just buy us a cup of coffee. He humbled Himself, carried the cross and died upon it. On it the sins of the World was placed on Him, and once and for all He died for every sin that would ever be committed. He gave His life. On top of it all, He was innocent. Jesus had done no wrong, He had never committed a sin. That’s as selfless as you can get! He stepped down off His throne, came as a baby born in a stable to a teenage mother, lived a humble blameless life, as fully God and fully man. Praise God, He didn’t stay dead. He was raised again defeating death, sin, and Satan. It is finished!
The decision to follow, and accept Jesus is selfless as well. Because a life of following Him bids us to come and die to ourselves, take up our own cross and follow in His footsteps. It means we are servants to those who surround us. It means doing the things not most everyone wants to do. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, He hung out with the sinners on Beal street, and avoided the stained glass crowed. Isn’t that interesting? When we read the Bible most of where Jesus was found is not in the temple, but in His community meeting people where they were. Not to say Jesus neglected His Father’s House, but He reached out to those who needed Him the most.
I think that’s where I find myself often. Caught up in religion….wanting to hang out at church more than I want to hang out with people who need to see and experience the light of who Jesus is in me. Those who need to experience His love, His peace, His contentment, His hope, His joy….This is what I mean by being selfish and not even knowing it. It is when we stay in our comfort zone, within the walls of the church with people just like us, and never reach out to the outside world where Jesus has sent us with His message. And it’s not only the message of the Gospel, but the message of who He is, it is what lives in us.
I pray I become more aware of the things God is putting before me. That I would seize the opportunities I ask Him for in the first place! That I would quit getting caught up in religion and doing what I think is right, and doing what the Father tells me is right and where I need to be.
I believe this is what it means in my life verse of Romans 12:1-2 when it says to offer yourselves a living sacrifice. It’s doing the things that aren’t first choice in our book and humbly laying our lives down, pouring ourselves out before Him, and the people He loves and has called according to His purposes.
May our Spirits be ever listening to His still small voice following the nudges, and effectively touched the World that surrounds us for Christ.


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