The Rock Higher than I

"from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I..." -Psalm 61:2

The above verse has become a favorite verse of mine. The picture of our Shepherd who will rescue us and set us on higher ground brings so much peace to my heart.
Yesterday is some of my down time I watched The Hobbit. I love that whole series, and how there are so many Biblical parallels. There is one scene that always gets me, the very last one. The Pale Orc and his army has chased Thorin, his 13 dwarves, Bilbo the hobbit, and Gandalf the Grey wizard to a cliff. Just as they are about to fall off the eagles come in and attack the enemy, and rescue Thorin and his group. They fly all night and are placed on a towering rock which shows them the mountain they have been journeying to is just in sight.
I love this scene because in it is this truth: Jesus comes to save us at just the right time, just when we think we can't hang on any longer He's on the way. Keep trusting Him. As it says in Isaiah we will mount up on wings as eagles. On His wings we fly above the storm, and He sets us on the solid rock that shows us our home is just in sight. Did you notice that? Many times we expect God to take us all the way, and while He could, we must travel through the valley and learn the lessons He has for us to learn. Earth is getting us ready for Heaven. We don't wander around mindlessly for no reason. We are learning and falling more in love with Jesus. We are finding more people along the road to take home with us. Our hope is knowing with each step we take we're one more step closer to home, it's just in sight.
God bless you as you seek Him.


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