A Different Kind of Promise

In the Christian world we cling to God's promises. We buy books that inspire us to remember the promises of God, and how good our lives are supposed to be. However, we seldom remember promises that bring pain. When Jesus said because you belong to me you will be mocked and persecuted. When you follow me, you will have to carry your cross of suffering. When you serve me, you will be engaged in spiritual battle. That's what Jesus promised. Will you accept it? This is what Jesus will work for the good of those who love God, and are called and according to His purposes. This is what spiritual prospering looks like. Prosperity isn't in things and what we can have here on Earth, but rather it comes in the form of Kingdom prosperity, and spiritual growth. When we try to live in happiness all the time, and life's so rad, we deceive ourselves, and also get frustrated.
In whatever promise, we live by this truth that He is our Victory.


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