His Promise Remains

"I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. [I Am the one] sitting on the throne brilliant as gemstones-jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circles [my] throne like a rainbow."
-Genesis 9:13, Revelation 4:3

Yesterday was overcast most of the day, it rained mostly toward the end of the day, that's Portland weather. As the evening come to an end my friend called my outside. I looked up, and there was the most beautiful rainbow in the sky. As I have been clinging to His promises in this time of transition I took much peace in seeing this. It is as if God himself has come down to earth on His throne just to be near us, and assure us, I've not forgotten you, see here my promise remains. What is so neat about these verses in Genesis and Revelation about the rainbow is this truth: The rainbow isn't so much about us and the promise, but is more about the promiser Himself in remembering what He promised. This rainbow is ever before Him in His presence on His throne. It is an ever faithful, eternal Convenant between creation and Creator, and is still in tact to this very day to this generation. Convenant means a long-term relationship.
As God has called me to Portland as a missionary, and as I have prayed for this city and it's people; praying for their Salvation, crying out for God to move, He gives me His rainbow. His promise over Portland, to His people, He is might to save! Oswald Chambers says this in his devotional, My Utmost for His Highest:
It is the will of God that human beings should get into a right-standing relationship with Him, and His covenants are designed for this purpose. Why doesn’t God save me? He has accomplished and provided for my salvation, but I have not yet entered into a relationship with Him. Why doesn’t God do everything we ask? He has done it. The point is— will I step into that covenant relationship? All the great blessings of God are finished and complete, but they are not mine until I enter into a relationship with Him on the basis of His covenant.
I live in this truth that even if God my Creator and sustainer never reached down to save me, I still will praise Him as my Creator. Who by His very Word made everything into being. Who by His very breath breathed life into man. In His creativity and perfect ways, gives us little glimpses into Heaven whether we believe or not. But He did reach down and save me, and in that I love Him all more. As my Creator, and my Savior. But He didn't stop there. He wanted a relationship with me. It wasn't enough for Him to create me, and save me, He wanted me personally, intimately, forever. Wow!
The promises of God are more about the Promiser than the promise itself. I encourage you to read Hebrews and take notice of every mention of the word "promise."
God bless you as you seek Him.


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