The City of Burning Lights

As I flew over Portland the night we left I looked down and saw a city of burning lights and it reminded me of Chris Tomlin's song, "Shepherd Boy" on his new album "Burning Lights" the lyrics go like this:
I’m no hero of the faith,
I’m not as strong as I once thought I was
I’m just a shepherd boy,
Singing to a choir of burning lights

I’m just singing, singing over you
Come and lay your troubles down
‘Cause love is breaking through

I was born to lift a song of hope
See the heavens open up
Take this armor lest I die
Take this crown and let me fly

We’re just singing, singing out to You
Our hearts are Yours forever
Your love is breaking through

Love is a fire

As we circled around I prayed so fervently for this city God has allowed me to minister too, for the hearts of the people to open up and see their Creator God in the beauty that surrounds them. That they would be so taken in His love for them that He came to die on their behalf over 2,000 years ago. I love Portland. Jesus loves Portland, and His love is breaking through there. God is at work in Portland, I've had to ask Him over and over to give me fresh eyes to see Him at work in a way I've never seen Him work. It's been so powerful. God is not confined to our box or how we think we know Him. Every city I've been to as a missionary I leave knowing this is true, greater things are still to be done in this city that is the Lord's. Half way through the trip I felt like God was calling me to move there and continue the mission work He has called me to do. I am convinced of this truth: God is making all things new. We were never created to go back to the old. I don't believe that God exposed to me and laid in my lap this huge opportunity of Portland to just bring me back to Charlotte and not do much. All the doors have closed for me here in Charlotte, but many have opened in Portland and I'm busting through them all.
It was my prayer even before I left Charlotte to go to Portland that it would lead to even better and greater things, and open doors for me to use my gifts and do the things God had planned for me long ago. For years I have prayed the Prayer of Jabez asking God to enlarge my territories and use me, that He would bless me. He's been so faithful. I know I have purpose in Portland, I know God will continue to use me greatly. I made so many friends while there, and met some pretty awesome people.
So Portland is about to get even weirder. I will be flying back to Portland August 13.
I have decided to follow Jesus. Today I have put my hand to the plow and cannot look back. I have determined to give my life for the sake of those who have not heard the Gospel, and are dying without Christ. Don't hold me back or feel sorry for me. My heart is fixed. Don't hold me back from pursuing the cross.


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