The Resistance

"By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me- a prayer to the God of my life." -Psalm 42:8

The above Psalm has brought me much peace tonight. Right now I'm in the midst of immense spiritual's literally right under my feet. At first I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know it was a spiritual battle raging. Many times, especially at this time of night we don't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. My mind couldn't get focused, my heart was racing, my body went numb. I sat still on my bed a minute and picked my Bible and began to read Psalm. I remember writing earlier in the front of my Bible that the quickest way to get focused back on Him is to whisper His name. Jesus. If only to speak His name, I'm going to pray. Jesus, I whispered. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Then the Holy Spirit said, "Sing!" And brought to mind the story of Paul and Silas. My choir sings awesome Jesus songs, in went my iPod into my ears...In Christ Alone, Something Happens, Thou Oh Lord, Jesus Saves, Jesus is the Answer...
The the Holy Spirit said, "Get out of bed, walk around your room."

Satan is relentless, he stops at nothing, he goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When we fight him, we must fight with boldness, and in the Spirit of power God has given us. Sometimes we must fight all night long, raising a song of praise to God, praying against the forces of spiritual darkness and strongholds. Fight dear Christian. I'm not the only one fighting this battle tonight. Get out of bed, pace the floor with the Bible in your hand, a song on your lips, and a prayer in your mouth. Far too long Christians have been timid and quiet when Satan attacks, I submit to you tonight to no longer be quiet and allow Satan to walk over you, and work under your feet! Get up! Fight! Sing at the top of your lungs, Satan will flee, he doesn't want to be around truth, and the praises of those who belong to Christ.
Armor up Christian! The Resistance is now!


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