Gifts that aren't Wrapped

In my quest and efforts to live above the sun and not for things under the sun, I have found today to challenge me in that respect. I'm still human and enjoy things. Since God called me to be a missionary; to sell all I have and follow Him, He has changed me a lot. I'm learning to embrace things that can't be wrapped. This has been one of the greatest Christmases ever. While I didn't find many things wrapped under the tree, I have received so much this season that will last forever. Things that I can take with me to Heaven, and treasure that is stored there as well. Before I left for Portland this summer a very precious and dear woman to me, she's a mother in the Lord, said she wanted to bring me home Christmas. So she and other sisters in the Lord worked to bring me home. What a gift! They are a gift to me. My family is a gift to me. Sweet tea! Mamas cooking! Everywhere I turn around I find a gift. The gift of music, and a song to write. I could not ask for more. For me personally, I'm so thankful God as brought me to this point in my walk with Him. I love Christmas so much! Typically, it's just been a religious experience for me, but this year I have really experienced Jesus, and the gift He is to me. Furthermore, I have experienced myself offering myself to Him, Happy Birthday, Jesus! Why He would want me I don't know. This year I find myself, not wanting much, but wanting Him more, and wanting the people who fill my life with laughter, joy, and love...and even the people who challenge me. Now, don't get me wrong I love getting things, there is nothing funner than unwrapping presents, and the mystery and excitement as to what is under that pretty wrapping paper!! But nothing I ever receive will amount to what the people in my life, and my Jesus mean to me. Nothing will amount to how I have experienced Jesus, how He has revealed Himself to me, and how I have embraced Him, and He me. The things you can't wrap, or buy, they are what mean the most.
I am taken by the story we read in Luke 2 when Jesus is presented in the Temple. My Pastor preached on this passage of scripture this past Sunday. I love how Simeon took Jesus in his arms, and blessed God saying, "Lord, now I can die in peace for my eyes have seen your salvation, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles." The only thing Simeon ever wanted, and sought his whole life was to see Jesus. No gift could amount to embracing God's son in his arms. The Christmas story is full of God's divine revelation, Jesus be revealed, Jesus be embrace. The gift of Salvation. That is what gives true peace.
Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Seminary, is quoted as saying, "Christmas reminds us the the Son of God left the comforts of His home on a mission to save the lost. It should inspire us to do the same." The greatest gift of all is unwrapped, it won't be found under the tree, but can be found in our hearts, and in our hands, in our words, in our feet. Leaving, going, and blessing.
I think we often leave Jesus out of Christmas, though I see everywhere people STRESSING CHRISTmas. While it's great people feel so strongly to stress that, is it stressed in their life? Or is it a pat on the back? It doesn't look like reading the Christmas story, though yes that's good to do and to remember. Christmas looks like sharing Jesus. Not setting up war lines and attacking. It's loving the World like the Father who gave His only Son so that we can have life. Its about offering ourselves to the Savior.
I've been praying fervently for my missionary friends, and missionaries all over the world as they are away from family this holiday season. I know they are truly experiencing, Emmanuel. God is with them. Love came down that stary cold night, and it is ever extended to us each day from God Himself and through the arms of others.
That's what I'm learning this Christmas. I pray a very Merry Christmas over every reader. May you find yourself encountering unwrapped gifts.


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