Keeping Old Out of New

Just a short post today. I really didn't intend for this to sound New Year soundish, but I guess it's okay if it does. This is something I've been encountering over and over in my time home from Portland, and even while being in Portland. I will find myself thinking, "I wish I had this from home, or could bring that." For instance over and over I had wanted a thousand times my notebook packed full of music that I used to do with my band. Or I've wanted to bring all my Indian Trail Christmas music and CD's. Things like that. However, as I pause and reflect on what He is taking me through right now, I realize these things can become a hindrance to growth. Sometimes this can be in the form of relationships too. Some are good to keep for a lifetime and from place to place, it depends on what the situation is. If they are sending you out and support you keep them! You need them, and the encouragement they will bring to your life as you go! However, if you have people who do not support the work you are in and constantly nag you to come "home" to be with them and are not in tune with God's plan for your life, I would caution you. Often times when we bring our old into our new we miss the new things, and the whole purpose God has in store for us. I'm glad I didn't bring my huge notebook of music with me to Portland because it's allowed me to really appreciate and learn all the new music where God has me. It allowed me all the more to engage in this culture and experience what speaks their heart and let it speak to mine as well. Simply, it comes down to discernment, and weighing each situation, and asking God what He is trying to teach. We like to hang onto what we know. But it's a good thing to go beyond what we know and gain further knowledge and understanding.
There is a verse in Matthew 9:17 that says, "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved." There is nothing that will kill a person quicker than to try and hang onto the past. Why? Because that's not growth, especially if it isn't growing with you. Old eventually dies doesn't it? This is also why in my life verse of Romans 12:1-2 Paul stresses for us to renew our mind. We can't keep putting new into our old mind.
So, as we approach this new year, maybe ask yourself what new things God has in store for you, then pack your bags because He's going to show you. Get ready for the new thing! We are creatures we are constantly going through change and new, and that's good because it means we are alive!
Happy Lord's Day!


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