The Fulfillment Factor

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." -2 Timothy 3:16-17

As we are in this Christmas season we consider the verses and prophecies that Jesus fulfilled when He came as a baby. The prophet Isaiah foretold of Christ's birth. In Matthews gospel we read over and over that "Jesus fulfilled." In His obedience to come as a baby, He had to learn obedience as He grew. Jesus read the Scriptures and knew His Fathers words, we too read the scriptures and know the Fathers Words. Specifically, His Word is addressing each life individually. So the question we must ask ourselves, "Is my life fulfilling the scriptures?" All of life is set on the course of being restored to a faith believing obedience. We do not read the Bible to increase in our knowledge, though it does, but to guide our conduct. Fulfilled prophecy helps verify the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. His fulfillment prove His claims were authentic. So it is true of our lives. Are we living lives that reflect what God breathed to teach, and train us?
From the commencement of His public life to its close, He lived by the Word of God. "It is written" was the sword of the Spirit with which He conquered Satan. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me": This word of scripture was the consciousness with which He opened His preaching of the gospel, that the scripture might be fulfilled. In scripture He found God's plan and path for Him marked out. He gave Himself to fulfill it. It was by the Spirit He fulfilled. That's what we must learn if we are ever going to be empowered for the mission God has sent all of His children on.
Often times we stand back and admire Jesus' power, but it's not to just be admired! God is offering it to us too. He wants us to experience Him where we make a habit of saying no to sin, and yes to God. The Christian life can't be lived apart from the Holy Spirit. Jesus couldn't live apart from the Holy Spirit, and without Jesus we can misuse this power. How did Jesus use the power? The Gospel of Luke holds the answers. Jesus is not a cheater, He had to learn how to tap into the Power of the Holy Spirit, He didn't tap into his divinity all the time. He lived out of His humanity. Here are some ways the Holy Spirit was active in Jesus' life:
-Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
-Baptized, and the Holy Spirit was on Him
-Full of the Holy Spirit
-Directed by the Holy Spirit
-In the power of the Holy Spirit
-Rejoiced (strengthened) by the Holy Spirit
-Anointed by the Holy Spirit
To be Spirit filled is not to avoid suffering, but to do it well. The power gets us through suffering, not around it. Jesus was able to bear the cross, and fulfill the prophecy of His death by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is all for one purpose, and that is mission. It is not for self-help, or to be better. The Holy Spirit fulfills the mission God has placed before us, and set us apart too. This is how we act like Jesus, when we are about the Father's business. Am I sharing the Gospel? Am I walking in obedience to the steps He has before me? Am I on the path He has marked out for me? Am I in His Word breathing in the Scripture He breathed out? God wants to give you full joy when you play your part in His Master Plan by intimately knowing Him and glorifying Him with your life. There are three trade-offs for not fulfilling the calling He has placed on you. 1) You will sacrifice joy for happiness. 2) You will sacrifice full relationship with God for doing things your own way. 3) You will trade eternal rewards for temporary amusement. If you claim to know God but don’t engage in what He’s prepared you to do, then you’ll never have a fully developed relationship with Him.
As you seek Him, and fulfill, I pray you are blessed.


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