The Prodigal Christmas

This Christmas I've been praying fervently for, and remembering missionaries. Until I really became a missionary and having been on the field I never knew or gave much thought to those who have left what they've known, and loved to spread the gospel. But this Christmas, that is all that has been on my heart. From India to Cambodia to Ecuador to Canada, I have missionary friends in all these places.
One of the missionaries challenge is to learn the culture and what ministers deeply to the hearts there. It's a new way of thinking. We can't so much invade their culture with ours and expect to win them to Christ. That's the whole reason we go. To be about them. What do they need to hear, and see and experience in a fresh way that will lead them to Christ. While Jesus isn't American, we have Americanized Him no doubt, it puts walls up.
I've been touched to think about the story a missionary friend who served in Korea for many years told me not long ago. He said when the Christmas season rolled around he would try to present the Christmas story as found in Luke with the nativity and the wise men and the shepherds, and angels. While yes, this represents Christmas to us, he found that it wasn't reaching them. One year someone mentioned they really liked the story of the Prodigal Son and wanted to read and enact that for Christmas instead. And that's what they did, and they loved it! That's what reached them. While you may think how in the world is that Christmas?! Take a moment to think about it. The essence of Christmas is the Father's love. That's exactly what is shown too in the story of the prodigal son. The fathers love for his son. It's grace! Such a scandal! We blew it, but He loved us more. The scarlet thread that weaves His story together and includes prostitutes, murders, thieves, and liars. We are all prodigals, what a perfect story for Christmas.
Such mindsets we get stuck in. Boxes we keep Jesus in. I pray we step out more and embrace the other person for the sake of Christ and their Salvation. The manger points to the cross. Love them with the Father's love and lead them to who truly is love.


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