Thankful to be Thankful

At the end of everyday I sit and I write in my book of blessings. The things that I am thankful for, that I found joy in, and the graces given to me. I sit and recount the day, and I thank Him. Not just for the good things, but for the things that got me a little in a tizzy. #127- The mistakes I made today at work. It means I learned. It means I need grace, and Jesus. #133- A lost debit card. I am finding myself more joyful in giving thanks in all things. God inhabits the praises of His people, and I cannot praise Him enough. Being thankful keeps me afloat and focused on the mission at hand, it opens my eyes to a bigger world, and broadens my view of what God wants me to see. So much to thank Him for. So many joys. So many graces to be had. How many have you counted today?
We dream and dare to live fully, and do big things. But what if we are already living the dream and living fully? What are we missing that is right in front of us? A few posts ago I mentioned Zachariah the Prophet who lived his life yearning to meet the Messiah. He longed to see God revealed, and embrace Him. It was only then that he was ready to die. How do we live like we are dying? It's not found taking huge trips across the globe, or jumping off a cliff, or swimming with sea turtles, or anything else that might be on the 'bucket list.' It's found in our average day to day life. How is God revealing Himself to you, and you just don't see it? How does He want you to embrace Him? We go through life mumbling, "if only!" But what do you have now? A spiritual mother in the Lord taught me this, "We do not ask, "if only" rather we ask, "what's next?" the anticipation of relationship." That is exactly what thankfulness is. It is the royal road to draw near to Him. A thankful heart has plenty of room for Jesus. When we thank Him we affirm that He is God, the provider from whom all blessings flow. When we thank Him for the hard stuff, we trust His sovereignty. Living our lives pouring out worship and praise on Him is a never ending intimacy of the Presence of God in our lives. I don't know about you, but I need Him in my life. I can't do without Him for one second. I am a bride who needs her lover. My spiritual mother also taught me this too. Every trial and tribulation is adding adornment for the wedding dress I marry Jesus in. Why would I not thank Him for the beauty out of ashes? He is preparing us for Himself.
#119- He isn't finished with me yet.


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