Delivered to Glorify Him

A few weeks ago I was faced with a temptation I have struggled with for a while. I share this story because God is really teaching me that He can be trusted and that He is faithful, and I have opportunity to glorify Him in my actions. I was feeling really bad when I started to get sick, major headache, I was tired, not thinking straight. I had gone to Target to get some medicine and all of a sudden out of nowhere Satan attacked! Spiritual battle engaged, immediately I resisted the temptation and walked away. I'm thankful for the verse that reminds me Jesus gets temptation and doesn't leave us without a way out of it. He is so faithful. In resisting Satan, Jesus got the glory. That's been really powerful for me to experience. He gave me a way out. The difference is that I took it. James 1:12-18 is really powerful in explaining the power when we overcome temptation: 12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown...