
"Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You." -Jeremiah 32:17

This week in the mail I got a really sweet note from one of my Grandmothers. At the end of her letter she included a Bible reference to Jeremiah 32:17. I have to admit I was really glad she didn't quote Jeremiah 29:11 at me. This morning I sat down and really studied this chapter. I have found in my walk with Jesus that He has me focus in on a particular word or topic and He will keep me there and teach me. Lately He has been teaching me about the mystery of Himself, and how to trust Him even when I don't fully know what's going on.
Not only is there is a mystery to God and His power, but there is a mystery in our limiting power. God desires to pour out blessing in our lives even in deep firey trials. Psalm 78:41 states that the children of Israel limited the Holy One. Limited in Hebrew means horizon. Essentially this verse says, "This is as far we can see. This is all we can see that God can do." I have prayed the Pray of Jabez many times that my horizons would be expanded. I always believed it to be God allowing me to travel around the United States and eventually moving me here to Oregon. But now I praying in the context that God would expand the horizon in my belief and faith in Him. To see beyond what I see, to believe God's limitless power. Beyond the horizon is the promise.
Jesus' promises are yes and amen. I have often said that the promises of God are more about the Promiser than the promise itself. The promise beckons us to follow Him blindly into the mystery of who He is. I love what verses 41-42 say:
"Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul.’ “For thus says the Lord: ‘Just as I have brought all this great calamity on this people, so I will bring on them all the good that I have promised them."
I've reflected back on my life a lot the past few weeks, and I couldn't help but ask the Lord why it's been so hard. Why the struggle? I've asked Him this before, and every time He reminds me that it is so I lean into Him more, and that to me it's been hard but it's never been too much for Him to handle. He's had me in the palm of His hand the whole time, and there is no power strong enough to pull me out, not even myself. I love how the scripture says that He rejoices over me. When we are in the midst of trials that we think will nearly kill us we wonder what in the world God is thinking and that He must be pretty mad and is just letting us have it. But He's really rejoicing over us! Oh my!
So what are some of the things that give us a horizon view? What is it in our lives that causes God's hands to be tied and unable to give the good He so desires to give? An unwilling spirit,refusing His invitation to Salvation, not wanting anymore of God, an unclean lifestyle, harboring sin...all things that are easily fixed in and through Christ by repentance.
When we look at the horizon on the ocean we know that there is something more beyond what we see. There is more ocean, and more land. Though Christopher Columbus and his crew were pretty convinced they would fall off the earth and die. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful to be in the hands of the Creator. I wish we could get how precious we are to Him, that He is for us, that He wants to bless the life He has given.

Lord, expand my horizons. I know you are working. You're thoughts toward me are so huge. You are rejoicing over me, and I sing the song back to You. So many times I limit you in my life. My faith is so weak, but Your grace is so strong. Help me to wait on You, Lord. I try so many times to fix my own problems, and come up so short of all you want to do. I give up to easily. You've planted me in this land with a promise, and You are the yes and the Amen. There is nothing too hard for You. Thank you, Father.


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