The Parable of the Missing Net

Notice anything missing? If you guessed the net you would be right. Small, simple thing, but it never occurred to me until today how important it is. The net keeps control of the ball, and kinda grips as the ball goes in the hoop. Also, let's not mention the satisfying "swish" sound. So its got me thinking, what is the net in my life? That thing that keeps me controlled when I reach a goal or something like that? I love what my friend said, "we need to make sure we are letting God stay in control of our lives and let that "swoosh" sound be our, "Yesssss, and Amen, it's all because of Him." It's easy to start living without the net because it's so simple and small. The still quiet voice that gives us the que that we made it. The strong right hand, and the everlasting arms that keep us from slipping. It is the counsel He gives to keep us in the net, controlled, so we don't fly to the left or to the right out of bounds. Such ...