Lessons I Learned Making Hot Fudge and Peanut Butter Sauce

There is a powerful shifting that takes place as we abandon the right to understand and we yield to God's working in our lives. ~Jo Ann Fore

In the mornings at work as I go through my opening duties and routine, and even throughout the day I'm constantly in communion with my Father. Talking to Him, and He is talking to me. Washing dishes with Joy dish soap, His joy fills and cleans my heart. I rinse out machines and ask Him to rinse me out of the attitudes, bitterness, and anger that build up and make me sour and rot. I empty machines to the last drop of product and ask Jesus to use me up to the last drop. Do I really know what I'm asking?! Not at the moment, but the test does come.
I recently hit #300 in my Eucharisteo journal as I journey to name 1,000 gifts that bring me Joy, Thanksgiving, and Grace. While I believe God gives 1,000 gifts to us everyday I am in the midst of training myself to find them, and live fully in them. #300- Lessons from Hot Fudge, Peanut Butter Sauce. There is a certain way we make hot fudge at work. If made correctly it doesn't spoil before it should at least, and everything about it is perfect, it tastes good, and it's smooth. Getting it this way takes work though. It's not as simple as opening a can and it's done. We stir, and fold, and work in it patiently until it eventually comes together. It's the same story when we make Peanut Butter sauce. We stir, and stroke, and fold, and work in it patiently until it eventually comes together to the finished product that is ready to serve. Today this reminded me of how God has us in a mixing bowl. Patiently He stirs us up, adding the correct ingredients to our lives making us the perfected product He wants in the end that is serving other people. Many times we get aggravated with ourselves, and if you are like me you keep asking yourself, "Why can't I ever be good enough?" "What more do I need to do?" There are times where all we can do is just stay in the mixing bowl and keep letting God stir in us. He is the one who makes us all He wants us to be as long as we are submissive.
Man in submission to God says, "Your will be done; You give and take away, Father." Ultimately, it's a trust issue. How do we learn to trust? Is it just conjured up simply by sheer will, on command? While we are busy trying to fix our life we end up out of the will of God striving toward our will. The easiest way to get distracted from the mission of God is to determine our own mission and invest in it. It's like we jump out of the mixing bowl and give up on God. We conclude He screwed up and now we have to fix it all. He's still adding ingrediants to our lives to do His mission. The full life, the one spilling joy and peace, happens only as I come to trust the caress of the Lover. The Lover who never burdens His children with shame and guilt, but keeps firmly stroking the fears with gentle grace.
Learning all this from hot fudge and peanut butter sauce is quite a grace, and gift from the Father.
He teaches, crafts, and molds in the most unique ways.


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