Jesus Be Revealed

I love my job for numerous reasons. One being that I work for the best boss ever in the world. I'm thankful to call her a sister in Christ, and a friend. Secondly, it's become my mission field. I'm learning that missions comes in different forms. It's not always in form of hammering nails, and doing strenuous mission projects. It's not always in the form of of using words. God has used just simply The Gospel impacts our work in more ways than one. Not only are we called to do a good job in our work to the Glory of God, as if working for the Lord, but the Gospel of our work is told in how we encounter and treat people. We can work really hard, but Jesus' Gospel; the Good News of life, is for people. No amount of hard work we do will matter really unless we are allowing Christ in us to draw people to Himself by the deeds we do with our hands, by the words we speak with our lips, by the love we extend with our hearts. A young man came into the shop today with large letters across his shirt reading, "ATHEIST." All my heart could do was love Him, and all I could pray was, "Jesus, help me show him through You in me that you are real, and love him so much." My heart could not judge him, my heart didn't want to argue or prove him wrong. This compelled me all the more to serve him well and show Him who Jesus is. It's the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance. It isn't a "I'm better than you" attitude. It isn't a "I'll pray for you" attitude. I'm no better than the atheist. And if we were to really sit down and look at my life we could come to agreement that I must not really believe there is a God based on the way I don't trust Him in certain areas of my life. Lord, help my unbelief. The only way the atheist will ever come to know Jesus is by encountering a very real God in our lives. We don't have to know all the big scientific answers all the time. Customers at the shop notice my smile most, the comment on how I smile all the time. Well, yeah!! After what Jesus has done in my life, how He has radically redefined and saved my life, how can one not smile? He's my reason to smile. He's my reason to do a good job at work. He's my reason for loving others. I pray He will always be revealed in our lives, He's so worthy of it. Did that young man know He encountered Jesus today?
As we enter this Easter season, I pray we live lives worthy of the cross, and the work that was accomplished on it. I pray we shout more with our lives than with our mouths that Jesus is alive! I pray we don't forget that God is always at work, even on Friday, even on Saturday when it looked as if death had won. This is what gives meaning to life. To live for the mission set before us as we journey home. May we take as many with us as possible.


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