Sacred Ground

I'm really blessed to work where I do. God was so gracious to place me where He did. It was about this time last year I was on the phone with the boss telling her about myself and asking for a job. She had never met me, and within just a few conversations across country she scheduled me for an interview! Crazy huh? The next week I would find myself on a plane flying back to this land I love, Portland, OR meeting with this lady not knowing what the future would hold for me, not even knowing if she would hire me! Well, she hired me. I could have never known how much this job would grow me spiritually, grow me as a worker, and leader. I could have never guessed how much my relationship with people would benefit from relationships God gave me at this job. It's become more than a job. The owners have become a very special and foundational part of my life here. God gave them to me, and it's so cool because they love Jesus. Just today at work I had a meaningful conver...