Sacred Ground

I'm really blessed to work where I do. God was so gracious to place me where He did. It was about this time last year I was on the phone with the boss telling her about myself and asking for a job. She had never met me, and within just a few conversations across country she scheduled me for an interview! Crazy huh? The next week I would find myself on a plane flying back to this land I love, Portland, OR meeting with this lady not knowing what the future would hold for me, not even knowing if she would hire me!
Well, she hired me. I could have never known how much this job would grow me spiritually, grow me as a worker, and leader. I could have never guessed how much my relationship with people would benefit from relationships God gave me at this job. It's become more than a job. The owners have become a very special and foundational part of my life here. God gave them to me, and it's so cool because they love Jesus. Just today at work I had a meaningful conversation with one of them. They have taught me so much just by example. And it's been such a blessing to learn under them in a safe environment. I could go on.
It wasn't very long that I had been there that I was promoted to the Opening Supervisor. That would mean I would have to be at work really really early, and my job would include standing at the sink a really, really long time washing dishes, and machine parts, and containers. During this time, I'm at the shop alone until my boss shows up, and I found myself using the time to pray. It's quiet and God just started speaking to me as I did my duties. It wasn't really anything I initiated, it just became a place God began to meet me. But it wasn't until just recently that I have realized what a sacred thing that has been, and how cool that Jesus would come and meet me at a sink at work. You see for so long I used to feel like when I met with God I needed to be in this corner or little space the Bible calls a Prayer Closet, with lots of crosses around me, and spiritual sayings, and Jesus things, and that I would have this great feeling fall over me and feely stuff like that, and that I would have to pray for this amount of time. My have I been wrong. Jesus has met me at an industrial sink...just me and Him. I'll catch myself smiling and laughing randomly as He whispers sweet things over me, bringing memories and people to mind. As I stand over the sink washing in JOY dishsoap, I ask Jesus to wash me too; to clean the dirty things out of life, and restore joy to those areas.
How is it that sacred ground can be the very places in our lives that we kinda dread standing? Washing dishes isn't so fun most of the time, how many times have I fought my parents on that?! I can't even get them done at my own house!! Isn't it interesting how God takes places that are hard in our lives and makes it a place of worship? A place of sacrifice. An alter. Sacred Ground. Unlikely places.
Where is it that Jesus is longing to meet with you? Where is the sacred ground, the holy ground?
Are you praying over your place of work? How do we make everything in our lives bow and serve our God? Our work places can be a place of worship. We can either worship our job, or make it worship God. How do we make it worship God? Pray over it, meet Jesus at your desk/sink/post ask listen to Him, ask Him for opportunities, pray for your co-workers, pray for your boss, pray for the people you will encounter. Christians, we have the most power in this world. I blow opportunities most days, but some days I meet them head on, and as a result I get to speak life and encouragement into peoples lives.
I guess my point is, don't put Jesus in a box and make Him bow to you. He can meet you where ever you are. That's been really powerful for me. We don't have to sit or stand in a certain position, or wear something certain, or pray certain words. If our hearts are after Him, He will speak. I pray you encounter Him in a new way.


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