The God who Seeks: A Scandal of Grace

God is the initiator of everything in our lives. We are people chosen by God Himself as a result of Him seeking us out. Before the foundations of the Earth were laid and formed God saw you, and loved you and had it in His heart for you to be His. In someway everyday He is in pursuit of you, His eyes on you hoping you will choose Him and in turn seek Him. He says through David in Psalm 23, "surely my goodness and steadfast love will pursue after you relentlessly all the days of your life." Until our last day He will hound our steps with love. No one ever dies unloved. He is seeking to save, and in that saving that people will become true worshipers. He pursues us through His Spirit, and through His Son. The Trinity is a mystery. I believe it was St. Augustine that said, If you try to communicate and explain the Trinity you loose your mind. I get scared writing about it because I don't want to accidentally sound like a heretic and totally shred theology to piec...