The God who Seeks, Searches and Saves: Introduction

We live what we seek after, which then becomes our purpose in life, resulting in the legacy we leave for generations to come. In many of our cities across America, and across the world there is an encounter of spiritual darkness as a result of generations not seeking God. Generations who can't even start to seek Him because of the strongholds, self exalting arguments, and deep rebellions against each other and God.
In this new series about God seeking, searching, and saving us, it is my goal to walk you through both God's role and our response. Those of you who have read my blog for some time know I end every post with "God bless you as you seek Him." I want you to seek Him, to look for Him in everything, and as a result be blessed but what your eyes see, and what God reveals to your spirit as it aligns with His Spirit and listen to what He is saying.
God wants our obedience to be fulfilled first so that we form a lifestyle of correct responses and begin living our lives full of purpose, and a legacy that attaches itself to God's own nature. We cannot be a flourishing child of God if you don't know who you are. How do we find out who we are? It's just one step through a choice to seek Him. We seek God by searching scripture, and His Word leads to Salvation. We seek God through prayer and in the worship of our lives to Him. The first step is uncomfortable, new is scary, uncharted. Fear of the unknown. Will you sink? Maybe, but you won't drown.

In the meantime here are a few questions for reflection and application:

1. Why do you follow Christ? What is your motivation?

2. Do your feelings drive your obedience to Christ? If so, what are some truths about Jesus that overcome feelings?

3. Where do you see God really moving: In your life? In others lives? Where you live?

4. Ask God to show you if you're life is impacting where He is moving.

To further prepare you for this upcoming series here are a few definitions along with the Greek Word. I have also drawn up a pretty cool, (NOT!) illustration/guide in what will be apart of the series:

seek- require, demand, desire. (zeteo 2212)

search- examine. (eraunao 2045)

save- deliver, to help, made whole. (sozo 4982)


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