Christos Doxa

The King of Glory and His Kingdom, a song of David. We have a King in glory! The Lord Jesus was born King, the wise men worshiped Him as King. He was Crucified King. This is the Song of Ascension. When Jesus, being triumphant over death, after His resurrection, ascended into Heaven in a Shekinah cloud of glory, the gates of Heaven burst open wide for the King of Glory! Christ Jesus won the victory. He is the Lord strong and mighty in battle! Last year I wrote a song called Christos Doxa, Greek Lexicon translates it to Christs Glory. It's a sweet little Easter Song, and I believe it is a song when we truly encounter Jesus and His glory in our lives this becomes our response. Make way for the King of Glory! Verse 1: King of Glory lifted high, holy passion burns in my heart. Hosanna leaves my lips I sing, King of glory in my midst. Beholding beauty this holy thing, I'm in awe, I'm in awe. Who is this King of Glory? Chorus: Holy is your life, Hosanna to the cross, H...