Christos Doxa

The King of Glory and His Kingdom, a song of David. We have a King in glory! The Lord Jesus was born King, the wise men worshiped Him as King. He was Crucified King. This is the Song of Ascension. When Jesus, being triumphant over death, after His resurrection, ascended into Heaven in a Shekinah cloud of glory, the gates of Heaven burst open wide for the King of Glory! Christ Jesus won the victory. He is the Lord strong and mighty in battle!

Last year I wrote a song called Christos Doxa, Greek Lexicon translates it to Christs Glory. It's a sweet little Easter Song, and I believe it is a song when we truly encounter Jesus and His glory in our lives this becomes our response. Make way for the King of Glory!

Verse 1:
King of Glory lifted high, holy passion burns in my
heart. Hosanna leaves my lips I sing, King of glory in
my midst. Beholding beauty this holy thing, I'm in
awe, I'm in awe. Who is this King of Glory?
Holy is your life, Hosanna to the cross, Hallelujah
from the grave. Holy is your name, Hosanna to the
Lamb, Hallelujah from the dead. You're coming back
again, AMEN!
Verse 2:
King of Glory in this place, to your presence I draw
near. Holy leaves my lips, I sing, Worthy Lamb upon
Your throne. My First love has been my song, keep me
here, keep me here. Who is this King of Glory(cc)

In our circumstances and things that bring us heartache it is easy to let that distract us away from the loving beautiful face of Jesus. What we feed is what will grow. Will we feed our worry and distress, and cause a growth spurt of anxiety, or will be listen to the strong and steady voice of God and grow our faith and trust? Even still our minds can be distracted by slogans, advice, quotes. Even those smartelic memes on Facebook can make me laugh from time to time. But it doesn't drown out the reality of all we are facing; it bandaids the health issues we face both seen and unseen, the financial struggle, not knowing when we will find employment again, the list can go on and on. What is unchanging, unfailing, lifegiving, ever-lasting, never ending? What can our mind focus on but The Word of God?! “You will keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, Because He trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 Though you loose everything else in life, if you gain God's peace you are rich indeed.
Over the years I've been inclined to pick up pennies as they come along my path. I believe it's God trying to start a conversation with me, and more so a reminder to trust Him. I bow low to receive the gift, “I trust you Jesus” holding it in my hand it reminds me that God sees my life, and while I may not always know what He is doing, I trust Him. I'll stick the penny in my pocket and reach in to hold the gift and once more remember,“I trust you God with every moment, with today, with tomorrow, with my job, with my family, every part of my life.” What we really need is God's presence in our lives, the lack of His presence in our lives brings distraught, and devastation. In the presence of the King we make our requests known, that He would change our circumstances...and even if He didn't change them, if we could just lay at His feet before His throne. His presence changes everything, it satisfies the deepest longing. He is the hope living through us so we may glorify Him; we are the hope of God's glory. His active agents in the World running an errand for the King with salt and light, so where there is doubt He will open understanding. This is the call to Salvation, this is the call to wake up those of you who have given up and let God in. To open your eyes and see that he is here at your side ready to fight for you, and help you make it. This is the call to climb the mountain of God to receive your Commissioning and see the shekinah glory of God.
Paul and the disciples were no strangers to the shekinah glory of God. The disciples saw Heaven open up when Jesus issued the great commission to go and preach the Good News and make new disciples. Hot on their heels would be Saul who is seeking to destroy the church, though he was brought up in a very religious home. He was an expert in the Jewish scriptures, and the Old Testament. He was convinced that Christianity was dangerous to Judaism, Paul hated the Christian faith, and persecuted them with no mercy. Paul got permission to travel to Damascus to arrest Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem. However, the Lord had different plans and just as Paul is outside of Israel, Jesus immediately in His shekinah glory questions Saul, "Why do you persecute me?" Jesus literally felt the pain Saul was putting on the church. This question and calling out caused Saul to think about the course of his actions in life, and what he was doing presently traveling to Damascus. When God presses questions to us, if we really think about it we will find ourselves on the road back to God. “Who is this King of Glory?” We cannot know the way back until we know where we are. Saul finds himself captured, instead of capturing others. He is now blind, and realizes that he is nothing! His traveling buddies help him to the house of Judas where he becomes a mentor to Saul. For the next 3 days after his conversion Saul went without food and water. He was praying, repenting, and seeking God's face and will. God also sends another mentor to Paul by the name of
Ananias. At first seeing Saul, Ananias greets him as a brother in Christ, and prays over him that he might receive the Holy Spirit, and gain his sight back.
When Jesus met him on the Damascus road Saul's life changed, but oh but when the scales fell from his eyes. His eyes could see again, the eyes of his soul saw, and all his deep-rooted prejudice, and hate against the Gentiles disappeared in a moment. He could suddenly see all of humanity, Jews and Gentiles, as a single human race, made in God's image and
desperate for redemption. Saul is so radically changed, his name changes to Paul. He immediately goes out and preaches the Good News of Christ, just in his testimony. His mission was to do for others as God had done to him, that the peoples eyes would be open, and turn from darkness to light. When we are like Paul, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us we can be what we are called to be. To love and to suffer, influencing our world with the story of the Father's love and grace.
What will be your shining moment? God used a star to point the very well educated, smart wise men to where Jesus could be found, and even the shepherds too! The star was a light that guided them to Jesus, but also brought great joy and hope. We let our insecurities, and uncertainties scare us sometimes and we hide our light. Shine for Him. Be the star that many will follow so they too can worship Him, prepare the way of the Lord! Make way for the King! He has come to bring joy, hope, and love.

**The following was an excerpt from my new book, "The Call: The Lyric of Hope"(cc) if this post spoke to you consider ordering a copy by clicking here!**


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