Creation From Nothing: Foundation One- Worshiping and Glorifying God

"By the Word of the Lord the Heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. By His great outstretched arm of power. There is nothing too hard for you."
-Psalm 33:6, Jeremiah 32:17

God our Creator, our Father, the only One true God who eternally reigns as God...
God who has no beginning, who IS.
God who is unconstrained in being, the absolute greatness of all things seen and unseen.
God who we depend on, and He depends on nothing.
God who said, "I AM WHO I AM" to Moses.
God of the Ages, Holy, Ancient of Days are a few of His names.

That's the best I can do to describe Him to you, that is not even scratching the surface...that is no where near the surface, or close to even picking up a pen up to write. You know the majesty of the 7 wonders of the world? When sunsets catch our view and breath? When the ocean waves crash and rush to you? When the moon looks like we can touch it, or is in just the right spot? So many things that fill our eyes fill us with emotion, and move us. God is even more than that. I would often ask the question when I lived in Portland surrounded by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, "What makes people grab their camera?" What is it that makes us want to capture the moment of beauty? Why do we have the feeling of "awesome wonder" as the hymnist wrote? Some of us when we reach the high moments of overwhelming awe have to burst out into song! I just have to wonder, did God sing while He created? I know the birds started singing when God made them. Who taught them their song?

Unlike God, there was a moment of origin for the Human Race. The created life is defined as four specific creation works.
>Physical Stuff--physical bodies
>Biogenetic humanity from Adam, created in God's image.
>The individual soul and spirit personality.
>The regenerated life that God has created in each person who believes in Jesus Christ as Savior. (Only applies to born again believers)
*Acts & Facts "New From Nothing" James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th. D.

Nothing human existed, out of nothing God created new into being. The only thing recycled was the physical dust of the ground. The 4th creation work listed above confirms my belief that believing in creation from nothing is essential; a must; in Christian faith and Salvation. If you cannot grasp or believe God created from nothing, how can you believe He can make you a new creation? Furthermore, how can we rightly worship and give glory to God if we do not know Him correctly as Creator? Disregarding the Creation account in Genesis begins the destructive act of obeying only certain things. Unawareness of the Creator damages the honor, and majesty of the Lord. He is, "worthy to receive glory and honor and power." (Revelation 4:11) The Trinity has been since nothingness. John 1:1 says that, "the Word" who we understand to be Jesus, "was with God in the beginning." Christ's birth was not His beginning. Genesis 1:2 says, "the Spirit hovered over the waters..." Scripture repeatedly connects the Trinity, take for example the above verse in Revelation. Glory to God, Honor to Jesus, and Power of the Spirit. God lives for the glory of God - He lives for Himself. Everything He plans and wills is for Himself. Isaiah 43:7 states, "Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him."
What is the glory of God? Seems that's thrown around a lot in church services, in Christian swag, and inspirational merchandise. What does it mean that "the Heavens tell of His glory?" (Psalm 19) Going back to the start of this post, when our eyes are filled with His Creation; His Glory on Display, what is the glory? The emotion that makes us grab the camera. Is the greatness, the beauty, the worth, and value. Worship is born out of this. God is not Creation, He is not in the mountain, that would make the mountain God, though His fingerprints are noticed. We do not Worship creation, but we are guided through it to worship the One who is Creator of it. This is a theology called General Revelation. We experience God in our hearts and minds, we feel Him, we know Him. We have to do something with that, there has to be an action to follow. When we realize all His worth, His beauty and how great He is, there is a response. "Then Sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee! How Great Thou Art!"

I'm inviting you to, "Come Magnify the Lord with me! Come exalt His name together! (Psalm 46) It's the only right response of His creation carrying His image. Just as the earth was dark and without form, He gave it form and light. He gave me form deep in the darkness of womb, and HE SAW ME, He chose me from that fragile moment. All the days I have been alive God has been there on display in all I have found beautiful. May God bless you as you seek Him.


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