Washington DC Prayer March


"Is there no balm in Gilead?
    Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing
    for the wound of my people?"
-Jeremiah 8:22

I've been thinking about the prophet Jeremiah lately and reading his book in the Bible. If there was ever a prophet that was mournful over a nation, it was Jeremiah. When we are in dark days God extends to us the same invitation He gave Jeremiah, "Call to Me, and I will answer. I'll show you great and mighty things that you don't know."
This book of prophecy is balanced by judgement and hope. That though we have abandoned God, there is forgiveness and a promise that He the writer of the Law will put it in our heart and cause us to follow.
Right now it feels like there isn't any hope, but rest assured in our deepest darkness of mourning over this nation, our cities, our homes, God is asking that we call out to Him. While we may not feel strong enough to continue through these days of COVID, political strife and hatred, or that we didn't choose to live in this world at this time (a thought I fight all the time) God knew you would be in these days, and appointed us all to be alive at a certain point and time in this story we live. The Ancient of Days saw to THIS day, and He will get us through to THAT day when we see His face.
I had the privilege of going to Washington DC a few weeks ago to participate in a Prayer Walk that was hosted by Franklin Graham. I purchased my plane ticket and my hotel room when it was first announced, as I have been so burdened for our country and was moved in my heart to be apart of an effort, a coming together in unity that God would intercede. Not only that, but a calling in my own Spirit to repentance. As the weeks and days drew closer for my departure to DC I was back and forth in my mind about going. I was scared. Resources were low. A lot of questions filled my mind. How am I going to make this happen Lord!? It wasn't for me to make happen. Two days before my departure I put out a Facebook post explaining the mission, and if anyone is able to help, or is willing to pray for me as I go, it's greatly appreciated. God met the need that day in no time. Okay Lord, you're really in this! I typically don't participate in marches or things promoting political stuff very publicly. I am choosy with who and what I attach my name to. One thing is for sure I'll always stand and march for Jesus. I'll always want my name with His. I have my opinions and values and things I think about.
The only thing I'm 100% certain of is Jesus Christ my Savior. I'm hanging my everything on Him everyday.
Saturday morning my friend dropped me off at the airport, I was still nervous and knew this trip would be one of faith building. Just trust and obey, for there's no other way...
I get in the TSA line and low and behold who do I see but my Jesus Mama! I hadn't seen her in several months. She and her then husband Phil (d. 02.2012) took our Student Choir at church on mission trips all over the states. They took me in under their wing of love and leadership and helped foster and nurture the missionary heart God gave me. This little wink and gift from God that morning standing in the airport gave me so much peace and comfort to my heart. My little Jesus Mama is sending me off again on another mission. It touched my heart that He would arrange that.
I made my way to my gate and sat beaming. I didn't know what I would do once I touched down in DC, how I would get to the march, how to use the transportation system, when I would eat next, would I get mugged? Would there be protestors? God is always way ahead of us.
I wore my Prayer March Volunteer shirt Franklin Graham sent me, over the years as I have done work with Franklin Graham and Samaritans Purse I have learned that these shirts are for our safety. They identify us as being with a group. And that it did sitting at my gate. "Are you headed to the Prayer March?" I heard asked of me several times, "Yes sir!" "Yes ma'am!" One gentleman that would ask me would be the President of Columbia International University! He handed me his card and asked that I would pray for him. I would later see him on stage standing with Franklin Graham. I then met a lady, Sharon. She was from just outside of Knoxville, TN (Go VOLS!), and flew into Charlotte as a connecting flight to DC for the march. She had quite the story! We swapped information and mutually agreed that we would be buddies the rest of the trip. She knew DC and how to navigate the metro and getting to where we needed to be. Thank you LORD! It wasn't long after deboarding in DC that the Lord would send two other girls traveling alone from the same area as my friend Sharon our way as well as three other folks that Sharon made friends with. Our little group consisted of 2 men, one in which we called Moses who guided us and lead the way, and 5 of us women.

The root scripture of our walk that Franklin laid out comes from 2 Samuel 24. David had disobeyed God in taking a census and as a result God put a plague on the land. It broke David's heart. David repented and recognized his sin, and he purchased a threshing floor where he could build an alter to the Lord and sacrifice a burnt and peace offering to God. Gods heart was moved by His pleading and removed the plague from the land. It was so moving to join hands with these believers as our lives intersected by the grace of God at this powerful moment to pray for our country. To confess our sins individually and as a whole. The following were our Prayer Points, we began at The Lincoln Memorial, and ended at the Capitol. We prayed for 3 hours and walked upwards of 5 miles. For more on the March Click Here
  • Humbling ourselves in repentance and asking God to forgive our sins and heal our land.
  • Our military, police and other law enforcement, firefighters, and their families. Security and peace for the nation.
  • Salvation of the lost. Renewed strength in our families. Frontline medical workers and solutions to the coronavirus pandemic. An end to abortion.
  • The president, the vice president and their families. All those who work in the White House and in the executive branch of our government.
  • Compassion and kindness toward one another. Respect and reconciliation between races. Healing in communities torn by violence and injustice.
  • Religious freedom. Boldness for churches to stand firm with the Word of God and to preach Jesus Christ in a troubled world.
  • Our Congress and other leaders at the national, state and local levels. The Supreme Court and judges across the nation.

Ultimately, at the end of that day what we experienced was a glimpse of Heaven.  There was a mixture of different tongue, skin color, nation, all gathered under the big sky looking to Heaven talking to Our Father.  His Spirit in us was alive, and He was among and with us.  

Oh God, we long for Heaven and for Your return.  We have called to You now answer us and show us the mighty things You want to show us.  We are watching, You have our attention.  Our hearts are broken for our home.  Only You can touch hearts and cause them to follow Your law and way.  


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