An Interview with Allison on Service to the Community

Recently, I was recognized by my firm for being a Volunteer of the Quarter in service to the community.  They asked to interview me, and of course in this COVID world the interview looks a little different, I had to record myself answering questions, just quick clips, and wanted to share with you.  I am excited to encourage others to serve.  I am reminded of what Paul said of Jesus to the church of Philippi.  "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men." - Philippians 2:3-7

I have never been one to talk about myself much in public, or let myself be seen in the public eye.  My nerves are so messed up, I get really red in the face, and embarrassed and trip on words most of the time.  But lately I've been working on my confidence, not so much because I know I have it going on, but because Jesus in me does...we also thank God for medication.

I began feeding the homeless community the week of my 31st birthday, April 2020, with the intent of wanting to give back.  I've been given another year of life, so what is the purpose in my still being around?  Am I still living out my purpose?  It's not so much the mind-set, "What do I want?"  Rather, there is still work to be done, and people to celebrate, meet and make the world a better place.

Rewind it back to 2004, I was 15 years old and I got my first official Volunteering position in a hospital on the skilled nursing floor making friends with the geriatric patients.  It's never been about what, and how much can I get paid to do things, servantship is who I am.  Rewind it way, way back to the days of the early 90's, and I can remember as a little girl listening to a cassette tape of Psalty the Singing SongBook Kids Praise, and hearing the song Make me a Servant.  I believe the songs we sing are prayers to God, and even more so me singing that as a child, God honored that in my life.  He has made me His I like to say, all I'm doing is running an errand for the King.

Of course, those who know me well know that one of my passions is missions.  So really "community service" is another way of saying mission work.  It all starts with crossing the street.  My pastor in Oregon put it like this, Leave, Go, Bless.  That was the beginning of missions, Abraham.  I hope you will enjoy these short 15-20 second clips in my "interview" concerning service to the community.

In one sentence, how has volunteering enriched your life?

What are the words you live by?

Have you been able to contribute to your community virtually during the pandemic?

How does a time of crises like COVID-19 affect your commitment to community engagement?

What would you say to someone considering getting more involved in the community through volunteering?



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