My Help -- To God Be The Glory -- Surviving a Wreck

Photo by Allison Baker in Great Smoky Mountains 06/2021 It was Monday morning coming off a great fun uplifting weekend. I had seen the new Space Jam movie, went to a Knights ball game, went to church Sunday morning and made a quick trip to the beach for a boat ride out on the Intercoastal and Atlantic Ocean looking for dolphins. Best weekend! Mondays I make a conscious effort to have a good attitude, I don't go with the flow of "Ugh! Monday!" I remember my Jesus Mama saying years and years ago, "Rainy days and Mondays don't get me down when I get to praise Him all day!" And that still rolls in my head, she's a good voice in my head. I start out to work uptown on the 74 commute, sometimes I will take the Charlottetown exit, sometimes I will take the John Belk, or the Brookshire, there's lots of ways to get to work. Traffic has returned to normal since the pandemic. So there was usual rush hour tr...